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K-State Today

Key of prestige: Phi Beta Kappa selects 50 new members

Thursday, June 13, 2013



MANHATTAN -- Fifty students at Kansas State University are among the newest members of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest and most prestigious academic honor society.

To be eligible for membership consideration to Phi Beta Kappa, a student must be a junior or a senior with a grade point average of at least 3.7; students with GPAs of 3.6 to 3.7 may be considered if the level and depth of their course work indicates an unusually distinguished record. In addition, students also must be candidates for a bachelor's degree in K-State's College of Arts and Sciences or have at least 90 hours or three-fourths of their total course work from departments in the college. Students also must have taken a required number and level of courses in a foreign language, mathematics, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.

New members include:

Scott McConaghy, senior in geography, Beloit; Sara Morgan, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in dance, Buhler; Kaitlin Downing, senior in English, Fort Leavenworth.

From Greater Kansas City: Jaime Arreola, senior in political science, Kansas City, Kan.; Sarah Adams, senior in anthropology, Allison Dorau, senior in elementary education, Justine Gruen, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in social science, Andrew Henderson, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in microbiology and Spanish, and Emily Relph, junior in agribusiness, all from Lenexa; Haley Claxton, junior in history and pre-law, Ashley Dunkak, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in journalism and mass communications, Annie Hanson, junior in art and psychology, Emily Lenhausen, senior in anthropology and history, Valerie Rock Good-Turney, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in journalism and mass communications, and Stephanie Skinner, junior in animal sciences and industry and pre-veterinary medicine, all from Olathe; Emily Campbell, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in public relations, Margaret Eagan, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in public relations, James Hunter Gilson, junior in creative writing, Blake Johns, junior in kinesiology and pre-physical therapy, and Megan Murray, junior in dietetics, all from Overland Park; William Baldwin III, senior in computer science and Spanish, Ariana Guerin, senior in French and sociology, Lauren Kimbell, junior in history and political science, and Erika Wheeler, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in accounting, all from Shawnee; and Carrie Keck, senior in Spanish and agricultural economics, Stilwell.

Crayton Caswell, senior in history and economics, Junction City; Michelle Foster, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in American ethnic studies and political science, Lansing; Elise Denning, junior in hotel restaurant management, Lawrence.

From Manhattan: Janet Adam, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in history; Bailey Adolph, senior in kinesiology and pre-physical therapy; Thomas Fullager, junior in philosophy; Samuel Kenney, May 2013 bachelor's in economics and international studies; Isaak LeHew, junior in psychology; Whitney Madsen, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in history; and Carmen Schober, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in creative writing.

Nathan Simonsson, senior in accounting and finance, Oberlin; Aubrie Neises, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in life sciences, Oxford; Alisa Wendelburg, junior in agribusiness, Stafford; Allison Skees, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in history, St. Marys; Lydia Hargreaves, senior in psychology, Topeka.

From Wichita: Carli Christain, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in Spanish; Kristina Miller, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in history; and Kaleb Todd, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in music education and applied music.

From out of state: Dean Eckhoff, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in social science, Highlands Ranch, Colo.; Scott Johnson, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in political science, Havre de Grace, Md.; Justine Carnagey, senior in German and management, Lexington, Mo.; and Seth Seppala, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in English literature, Houston, Texas.

From out of country: Laura Hildebrant, May 2013 bachelor's graduate in elementary education, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada; Petra Niedermayerova, junior in economics, Czech Republic; and Yi Ge, senior in history, Wenzhou,China.


Stephen Kiefer


Phi Beta Kappa

News tip

Beloit, Buhler, Fort Leavenworth, Junction City, Kansas City, Lansing, Lawrence, Lenexa, Manhattan, Oberlin, Olathe, Overland Park, Oxford, Shawnee, Stafford, Stilwell, St. Marys, Topeka and Wichita, Kan.; Highlands Ranch, Colo.; Havre de Grace, Md.; Lexington, Mo.; and Houston, Texas.

Written by

Beth Bohn

At a glance

Fifty students at Kansas State University are among the newest members of Phi Beta Kappa, the nation's oldest and most prestigious academic honor society.