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K-State Today

New Prairie Press eBooks publishes first volume

Thursday, June 26, 2014



MANHATTAN — More than 20 scholarly papers by a pioneering Kansas State University mathematics professor have been collected online in a single work by New Prairie Press, the publishing arm of Kansas State University Libraries.

Since 2002, New Prairie Press has provided a free publishing platform for online peer-reviewed journals. This summer, the press launched New Prairie Press eBooks.

The first New Prairie Press eBooks scholarly volume, "Selected Papers on Noncommutative Geometry" by Alexander Rosenberg, was published June 9.

All New Prairie Press journals and e-books do not require a subscription and are free and accessible to scholars, researchers and the public worldwide.

The new e-book is an especially meaningful publication for Kansas State University mathematicians.

Rosenberg, a professor in the mathematics department, died unexpectedly in November 2012. He was one of the leading figures in the area of noncommutative algebraic geometry. The New Prairie Press volume is based on preprints published by the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn.

"We hope that grouping the selected papers together will give the reader an opportunity to understand the broadness and deepness of Rosenberg's ideas," said Yan Soibelman, professor of mathematics.

The e-book's chapters can be downloaded in PDF format. New Prairie Press hopes to offer publications in .epub and .mobi — Kindle — formats in the future.

Kansas State University affiliated faculty members interested in publishing book-length scholarly works through New Prairie Press are encouraged to contact npp@k-state.edu for more information.

Written by

Lori A. Goetsch

At a glance

Works by a Kansas State University mathematics professor are the subject of the first e-book published by New Prairie Press eBooks. The New Prairie Press is the publishing arm of the K-State Libraries.