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K-State Today

Noel Schulz earns honor from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



MANHATTAN — Noel Schulz, associate dean for research and graduate programs in the College of Engineering at Kansas State University, has been named an award recipient by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE.

Cited for her "outstanding contributions in advancing recruitment and retention of women in IEEE, the Power and Energy Society, and the engineering professions," Schulz will receive the 2014 IEEE Education Society Hewlett-Packard Harriet B. Rigas Award at the Frontiers in Education Conference in Madrid, Spain, in October.

"We are extremely proud of Noel, her accomplishments, and her outstanding efforts put forth for our research and graduate programs in the college," said Gary Clark, interim dean of the College of Engineering. "She is certainly deserving of this recognition that marks yet another contribution toward reaching the university goal of K-State becoming a Top 50 research institution by 2025."

As associate dean for research and graduate programs, Schulz provides strategic direction and coordination for the College of Engineering in areas of research, graduate programs, distance education and safety. She coordinates proposal approvals, and matching and start-up funding on behalf of the college, as well as develops programs to support engineering faculty, staff and students in research and scholarly pursuits. She also represents the college in activities with the Office of Research, the Graduate School and the Office of International Programs.

Schulz received her bachelor's degree and master's degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech, and her doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota. She joined the faculty at Kansas State University in 2009, and is the Paslay professor of electrical and computer engineering.

Schulz has served as president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society, the world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology. Her other offices in the Power and Energy Society include secretary, treasurer and president-elect. She is a member of Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honorary Society, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, American Society for Engineering Education and the Society of Women Engineers.


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Noel Schulz

Noel Schulz, associate dean for research and graduate programs in the College of Engineering at Kansas State University

Written by

Mary Rankin

At a glance

Noel Schulz, associate dean for research and graduate programs in the College of Engineering at Kansas State University, will receive the 2014 IEEE Education Society Hewlett-Packard Harriet B. Rigas Award at the Frontiers in Education Conference in Madrid, Spain, in October.