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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Summer construction heats up at Kansas State University
Summer heat brings new concrete and many more improvements at Kansas State University. 

How researchers use genomics to predict bread quality and accelerate wheat variety development
Researchers from Kansas State University were part of a team that used wheat quality data generated in the test baking lab and built prediction algorithms for determining quality traits in new generations of candidate wheat varieties using DNA markers. 


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Experienced educator joining Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine as new associate dean
Peggy Schmidt is joining the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University as associate dean for academic programs and student affairs, effective Sept. 6.

Guinea pigs help Kansas State University veterinary student take third place in history essay contest
An essay about the history of some favorite fuzzy pets recently earned a third-place prize for Kansas State University veterinary medicine student Kelsey Madden, Olathe, in the 2016 J. Fred Smithcors Student Veterinary History Essay Contest.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Kansas State University awards graduation honors
More than 480 Kansas State University students earned graduation honors with their May 2016 degrees.

Study from Kansas State University's Institute of Computational Comparative Medicine challenges traditional food safety assessment method
Kansas State University researchers have found that diseases can dramatically influence the type of drug residue found in tissues of food animals that are tested by regulatory agencies in monitoring human food safety.

Refresher course for hazardous waste operations July 19 at Kansas State University
Kansas State University's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Training, known as HAZWOPER, will offer its eight-hour refresher course from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 19.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Zika virus research at Biosecurity Research Institute aims to control, fight mosquitoes
Kansas State University is helping the fight against Zika virus through mosquito research at the Biosecurity Research Institute.


Friday, June 24, 2016

College of Veterinary Medicine researchers examine microbiome associations related to disease expression in swine
Researchers in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University have teamed up with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California to evaluate the impact and association of microbiomes connected with two of the most devastating viral diseases in swine.

Beef Cattle Institute's Beef Scholars program provides opportunities for students, resources for beef industry
Eight Kansas State University students from majors across campus are serving as the inaugural participants in the Beef Cattle Institute's Beef Scholars program this summer.


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine selects two students for international travel awards
Two Kansas State University veterinary students will work on research projects overseas as recipients of 2016 international student travel awards from the College of Veterinary Medicine's Office of International Programs. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Get a clue: Biochemist studies fruit fly to understand Parkinson's disease, muscle wasting
By studying the fruit fly,Kansas State University researchers have found a connection between a gene called clueless and genes that cause Parkinson's disease.

Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship helps K-Stater pursue law degree
Jessica Wheeler, Ellis, a recent graduate of Kansas State University, has received a Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship to study health law and pursue her passion to help others.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Kansas State University veterinarian advises pet owners on flea and tick prevention
With rising temperatures and plenty of rainfall this spring, flea and tick season has already started in Kansas. According to Susan Nelson, veterinarian and clinical associate professor at Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center, it is time to protect pets from fleas and ticks, if you have not already started to do so.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Digging their work: Kansas Archaeological Field School participants seek signs of area's past
Two sites along Wildcat Creek in the Manhattan area are the focus of the 2016 archaeological field school course offered through Kansas State University's sociology, anthropology, and social work department during June.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Melissa Etheridge, ThePianoGuys, Lyle Lovett, Air Supply and more highlight upcoming McCain Performance Series; season tickets on sale June 20
Season tickets for the 2016-2017 McCain Performance Series go on sale Monday, June 20. This year's star-studded lineup includes Pat Metheny, Brian Regan, Straight No Chaser, Bobby McFerrin and much more.

Friday, June 17, 2016

University selects faculty members for Oz to Oz research awards
Four Kansas State University faculty have received Oz to Oz Fellowship Awards to conduct research in Australia. Recipients include Arthur Durband, associate professor of sociology, anthropology and social work; Dorothy Durband, professor and director of the School of Family Studies and Human Services; Dunja Peric, associate professor of civil engineering; and Jennifer Vellenga, associate professor of theatre. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Johnson Cancer Research Center provides more than $742,000 for Kansas State University research and training programs
Private donations to Kansas State University's Johnson Cancer Research Center help the center fund innovative cancer research projects, equipment purchases and the mentoring of undergraduate student researchers. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Network upgrade offers enhanced research capacity to state's universities
Data analysis and information sharing will be easier and faster for the state's research universitieswhen a new 100 gigabit-per-second network known as the HyperCore comes online this summer, replacing the 10 gigabit-per second backbone that connects Kansas State University, the University of Kansas, KU Medical Center and Wichita State University. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Disease that threatens Kansas wheat crop subject of genetic study by postdoctoral researcher
Kansas State University's Alma G. Laney will lead a study on the genetics of barley yellow dwarf, which has caused significant losses to the Kansas wheat crop in the past, with a $150,000 fellowshipfrom the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences Education and Literacy Initiative, or ELI.

Alpha Sigma Lambda nontraditional honor society inducts new members
A national honor society that recognizes adult students who achieve and maintain high scholastic standards has 46 new members from Kansas State University.


Monday, June 13, 2016

A common enemy: Through clinical trials, veterinarian fights cancer in animals, humans
A Kansas State University veterinarian is conducting clinical trials to treat cancers in dogs, cats and other companion animals.

College of Veterinary Medicine hosts global security experts for panel discussion on cooperative threat reduction and capacity building
A panel discussion on cooperative threat reduction and capacity building, featuring two global experts, will be at noon Wednesday, June 15, in the Mara Conference Center on the fourth floor of Trotter Hall at Kansas State University. The public is welcome to attend.

University librarian's book about wildflowers and weeds takes root on 2016 Kansas Notable Book List
Kansas State University's Michael John Haddock was the lead author of "Kansas Wildflowers and Weeds," a 2016 Kansas Notable Book selection.

Work with University Experience program helps graduate student from Beloit earn special scholarship
A master's student in special education, counseling and student affairs is the recipient of Kansas State University's Marie R. Bonebrake Graduate Award.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Professor helps author influential National Academies report on genetic engineering
A Kansas State University scientist has contributed to the influentialNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report on genetic engineering. 

Celebrating its first anniversary, College of Veterinary Medicine's Mobile Surgery Unit on the roll and saving pets' lives
In its first year of operation, the Kansas State University Shelter Medicine Mobile Surgery Unit has provided spay and neuter services to a dozen area animal shelters at no cost.

Farm Credit names two Kansas State University ag economists among its 100 Fresh Perspectives Honorees
Two Kansas State University agricultural economics icons are being recognized among Farm Credit's Fresh Perspectives Top 100 Honorees. 

University's summer undergraduate research programs provide graduate experience to students from across the country
Temperatures are heating up and so is undergraduate research at Kansas State University. 


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kansas State Polytechnic expands unmanned commercial flight training program with North Dakota's SkySkopes as first national client
The unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS, program at Kansas State University's Polytechnic Campus is now providing flight training to its first national professional client, a company from North Dakota.

Kansas State University advances research and education outreach to address fatigued cattle syndrome
With support from Merck Animal Health, two Kansas State University beef cattle researchers will develop a prevention program, featuring educational modules, handouts and more, to address fatigued cattle syndrome.

University's quarter-scale tractor team places second at international competition
For the 18th time in the last 19 years, the Kansas State University quarter-scale tractor A team has placed in the top three at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers' annual International Quarter-Scale Tractor Student Design Competition. This year's team claimed second place.



Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Kansas State University researchers invent, patent new class of lasers
Kansas State University researchers have invented a new class of lasers. The energy-efficient lasers are portable; reach wavelengths that are invisible, requiring technology that is transparent at those wavelengths; and they have the potential to scale to high-powered versions. 

Sixteen Kansas State University graduating seniors receive outstanding award
Kansas State University Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Pat Bosco has selected 16 Kansas State University students for the Dean of Student Life Outstanding Graduating Senior Award. 


Friday, June 3, 2016

Veterinary researchers patent methods for detecting, treating a bacterial infection
Veterinary researchers at Kansas State University have received a U.S. patent for technology to control and treat fusobacterium infections.

Feature by Topic:

Lists - graduates, honors, scholarships

Landon Lecturers