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K-State Today

K-State Salina to highlight Kansas' growing digital media industry during luncheon series

Monday, March 10, 2014



SALINA — An industry that normally shines in New York or Los Angeles, digital media is now garnering attention and buzz in the state of Kansas. "3D Animation, Gaming and Digital Filmmaking: A Growing Creative Arts Industry in Kansas" will be presented at noon Thursday, March 13, at Kansas State University Salina in the College Center conference room to help showcase the burgeoning opportunities.

The discussion is the second presentation in this semester's Civic Luncheon Lecture Series — an event intended to not only inform the community of various social issues affecting society, but to also encourage opinions and ideas.

Special guest Jason Opat, CEO of Integrated Media Group, Wichita, will lead the conversation on how digital media is progressing nationally and globally, as well as featuring the local career possibilities.

The lecture series director, Greg Stephens, says more than 100 people attended February's Civic Luncheon Lecture and hopes the community continues to take an active interest and involvement in the project.

"I know the last lecture topic of Syria and the Middle East is quite different from the upcoming presentation, but diversity is key," said Stephens, who is also an associate professor in the arts, sciences and business department. "I want to give the Salina community a variety of options so they can sit in when they feel passionate, when they simply want to learn or when they want to connect with others that have a common interest."

The Civic Luncheon Lecture is free and the public is invited. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunch or purchase their lunch at the K-State Café and bring their tray into the conference room.

To interview Opat prior to the event, contact Julee Cobb at 785-826-2642 or julee@k-state.edu.

For more information on the series, contact Stephens at 785-819-6887 or gregs@k-state.edu, or visit http://www.salina.k-state.edu/civicluncheon/purpose.html. The last Civic Luncheon Lecture of the semester will be April 10.


Greg Stephens


Kansas State University Salina

News tip


Written by

Julee Cobb

At a glance

Jason Opat, CEO of Integrated Media Group, Wichita, will present "3D Animation, Gaming and Digital Filmmaking: A Growing Creative Arts Industry in Kansas" at noon Thursday, March 13, at Kansas State University Salina's College Center conference room. The Civic Luncheon Lecture Series presentation will look at how digital media is progressing nationally and globally, as well as featuring the local career possibilities.