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K-State Today

University offers free electronics recycling event March 28

Monday, March 23, 2015

MANHATTAN — Do you have a TV taking up closet space? Are the junk drawers filled with cellphones and other gadgets? Kansas State University can help with an electronics recycling event Saturday, March 28.

A variety of electronics will be accepted for proper recycling at no charge to Manhattan area residents from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 28 in the university's parking lot D1, which is across from West Stadium and next to St. Isidore's Catholic Student Center on Denison Avenue.

The university is partnering with Stericycle Environmental Services and Howie's Recycling for the e-waste collection event. More than 50,000 pounds of electronics have been recycled since the first event in April 2011. Stericycle and the university have worked together to secure local and national sponsors to provide materials, equipment, in-kind services and monetary contributions for the event. All net proceeds will support sustainability efforts on the Kansas State University campus.

"Due to the continued support of local businesses, volunteers, Howie's and Stericycle, I'm glad that we can continue to provide this recycling opportunity for Manhattan residents and the surrounding community," said Kelly Greene, the university's environmental manager.

Again this year, the amount collected will be added to the university's recycling totals for the collegiate RecycleMania contest.

Accepted items are computers, cellphones, printers, scanners, TVs with screens of 27 inches or less, gaming consoles, VCRs, DVD players and a variety of other electronic devices. Unacceptable items are TVs with screens larger than 27 inches, console TVs, appliances and microwaves. This event is only for residential items; business or university e-waste will not be accepted.

Sponsors include Kansas State University, Stericycle Environmental Services, Howie's Recycling, Clean Earth Systems, Cat Cans, Jimmy John's, Starbucks and Wal-Mart.

For additional information on the electronic waste collection event, contact Greene at klp@k-state.edu or 785-532-5856.


Kelly Greene


eWaste recycling

At a glance

The Manhattan community's fourth electronics waste recycling event will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 28, in the D1 parking lot at Kansas State University.