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K-State Salina offers summer programs for kindergartners to eighth-graders

Wednesday, May 28, 2014



SALINA — College students won't be the only ones learning on the Kansas State University Salina campus this summer.

K-State Salina is again offering its Discover Programs in aviation, engineering technology and sports for kindergartners to eighth-graders.

The programs began in 2007 as a way for the college to extend its academic offerings beyond the traditional classroom and inspire Salina-area youths to become lifelong learners in a fun, interactive and hands-on environment. The programs also connect the campus with the community, so participants and their parents can experience all that K-State Salina has to offer.

"We know the value of starting youths early in thinking about college and a career. Discover Programs provide an opportunity for kids to be on a college campus, work with college students and faculty, and start to envision what their future could hold," said Kirsten Zoller, event coordinator for K-State Salina continuing education.

Programs offered, dates and age levels include:

• Aviation Fixation, June 9-11, lets students in the third, fourth and fifth grades discover the world of aviation through hands-on projects with the K-State Salina Flight Team.

• Aviation Fixation 2.0: A Day in the Life of a Pilot, June 9-11, lets students in grades six, seventh and eighth experience the life of a pilot by working through the flight planning process from beginning to end, including taking a flight in a university plane.

• Lil' Cats Dance, June 16-18, lets kindergartners through eighth-graders learn basic dance and cheer skills from experienced college dancers.

• Wildcat Youth Basketball, June 23-25, helps students develop basketball fundamentals with instruction from qualified coaches. Beginner camp is for second-graders to fifth-graders, and the advanced camp is for sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders.

• Virtual World 2.0: Minecraft Edition, June 30-July 3, lets sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders explore the world of engineering technology through the popular game Minecraft.

Registration details, camp costs and the program schedule can be found at http://salina.k-state.edu/dce/discover/ or contacting Zoller at 785-826-7182.


Kirsten Zoller


Discover Programs

News tip


Written by

Julee Cobb

At a glance

Kansas State University Salina's Discover Programs let kids explore aviation, engineering technology and more this summer.