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K-State Today

Frankfort student earns College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior Award

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



MANHATTAN — Rebecca Kohman, senior in accounting with a minor in economics, Frankfort, is the College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior in Business for spring 2014.

The Outstanding Senior in Business award is presented each semester to a graduating senior who has made notable contributions to the college.

A consummate student leader, Kohman has been a dedicated member and officer of the Student Accounting Society, Beta Alpha Psi and the College of Business Administration's Dean's Advisory Council. Outside of the college, she has been active with Wildcats Forever and St. Isidore's Catholic Student Center.

"Rebecca has been a joy to work with, both as a student and as an officer in the organizations she has been involved with," said Kim Charland, instructor of accounting and faculty adviser for Beta Alpha Psi and the Student Accounting Society. "She leads by example rather than in name only, and she takes initiative and responsibility for her actions. Rebecca exemplifies the strong work ethic, professionalism and integrity that the graduates of our program are known for."

During her undergraduate career, Kohman has earned several scholarships and honors, including being named a Kansas State Foundation Scholar and receiving the K-State Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship. She has been recognized by the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Golden Key, Phi Kappa Phi and Beta Gamma Sigma. She also has been on the university's semester honors list since fall 2010.

"The College of Business Administration really feels like a family to me," Kohman said. "I've met so many great people here, including faculty, staff and fellow students, that I can't walk down the hall without seeing or talking to someone that I know."

While at Kansas State University, Kohman has worked in the university cashier's office and at First National Bank in Frankfort. Last summer she was an accounting intern at the Performance Contracting Group in Lenexa, where she will begin her career as a staff accountant following graduation.


Outstanding Senior in Business award

News tip


Written by

Brent Fritzemeier

At a glance

The College of Business Administration has selectedRebecca Kohman, senior in accounting with a minor in economics, as its Outstanding Senior in Business for spring 2014.