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K-State Today

Media advisory for May 27 Landon Lecture by US Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson

Thursday, May 14, 2015



LECTURER: U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson will present a Landon Lecture at Kansas State University at 10 a.m. in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union. (Please note the lecture's venue has changed from McCain Auditorium to the Student Union.)

NEWS MEDIA SEATING: Seating for media will be reserved and credentials are required. An audio distribution box will be available. All media must remain in their seats during the lecture; no roaming, including by photographers, will be allowed. If you plan to attend the lecture you must email media@k-state.edu or call 785-532-2535 by noon Tuesday, May 26, to reserve a seat.

NEWS MEDIA PARKING: Parking options include the K-State parking garage, south of the K-State Student Union, where the cost is $1.50 an hour on a space-available basis. You may also request a K-State media parking pass to park in any nonreserved or nonhandicap student or faculty/staff outdoor parking space at the university. Parking without a pass in a reserved or handicap space can result in a fine or the wheel-locking or towing of your vehicle. If you do not have a media parking pass, please contact News and Communications Services at media@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535 by May 19 to arrange for a pass. An interactive map of campus with the K-State parking garage is available at http://www.k-state.edu/maps/?show=M.

NO MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Secretary Johnson's schedule does not permit time with media for questions before or after his lecture.

CREDENTIALS: Please bring your media identification and/or a photo ID with you in case needed for entry to the lecture.

SECURITY: Media should be prepared to have camera bags, computer bags, etc., searched when entering Forum Hall.

NO LECTURE TEXT: A prepared text of the lecture will not be available.

SATELLITE FEED: There will be NO satellite feed of video and sound bites from the lecture.

NEWS MEDIA HELP: Staff with the university's News and Communications Services can answer additional questions at the time of the lecture. Staff will be wearing lanyards with an identification card.

At a glance

Instructions for media planning to attend the Landon Lecture by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson at Kansas State University on May 27.