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Kansas State University mathematics students score highly in international competition

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MANHATTAN — Four Kansas State University students have placed highly in the 76th annual Putnam Mathematical Competition, the most prestigious mathematics contest for undergraduates at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. 

According to results released by the Mathematical Association of America, the Kansas State University team finished in the top 24 percent of the 554 colleges and universities and 4,275 students that participated in the competition. The team also had one member who placed in the top 22 percent in the competition: Tristan Wells Filbert, senior in mathematics and physics, Wichita.

Along with Tristan, team members and their placements in the competition:

Nicholas Donohoue, senior in mathematics and physics, Manhattan, top 39 percent; Reid Erdwien, junior in mathematics and physics, Manhattan, top 39 percent; and Aaron Messerla, senior in mathematics and applied music, Manhattan, top 29 percent.

Coaches for the university's Putnam competition team include mathematics faculty members David Auckly, Ivan Blank, Todd Cochrane, Roman Fedorov, Zongzhu Lin, Tom Muenzenberger, Gabriel Nagy, Virginia Naibo, Christopher Pinner, Pietro Poggi-Corradini, Craig Spencer, Victor Turchin, Dan Volok, Anna Zemlyanova and Ilia Zharkov.


Mathematics department

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