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K-State Today

November 2011

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011

End of an era: Middle East expert predicts instability for Iraq after U.S. withdrawal

With the deadline for the full military withdrawal of the U.S. from Iraq fast approaching, a Kansas State University Middle East expert predicts an unstable and uncertain future for the region.

First editions: History experts publish books on international topics

After many years of research, two Kansas State University history experts have published their first books about the complex issues surrounding two topics: disease epidemics and international radio.

Literary December: English department offers fiction readings, Mock Caldecott and student film festival to close semester

The Kansas State University department of English will end its fall semester with three literary events taking place in December.

Building success: Student team places second in construction management competition

A team of Kansas State University students has continued a tradition of success in the Associated Schools of Construction's student management competition.

2+2 partnership equals new possibilities for one community college student

For Nathan Legleiter, Barton Community College's 2+2 agreement with Kansas State University has meant new opportunities and fulfilling a dream that had been put on hold.


Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011

Going to the dogs: University's newest patent for improving canine health

Make no bones about it, a discovery by a Kansas State University research team could mean a longer and healthier life for man's best friend.

A perfect pitch: Kansas City area student is best for K-State in sales competition

Monica Klawuhn can sell. The Kansas State University senior in marketing from Lee's Summit, Mo., was the university's winner at the recent fifth annual Great Northwoods Sales Warm-Up at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.


Monday, Nov. 28, 2011

Roaming research: Bison on Konza Prairie fuel experiments to restore prairie ecosystem

The presence of bison at Konza Prairie Biological Station may seem iconic, a tribute to America's past when such herds roamed the range.


Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011

Thrifty gifting: Financial planning expert offers tips on holiday budgeting, limiting stress

Nearly 14 million Americans are still paying for gifts purchased during the last holiday season.

Licensed for profit: Institute for Commercialization markets technologies developed at Kansas State University

When Kansas State University researchers develop new technologies, the Kansas State University Institute for Commercialization, KSU-IC, goes to work marketing the technologies in hopes of reaching a signed license agreement, with product sales in the marketplace soon after. Moreover, the institute's efforts are paying big dividends to both the researchers and K-State.


Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

Evaluating price hikes: Research shows that recent oil shocks are not causing inflation

While the price of oil has risen in recent years, it has not affected the price of goods as much as in the past, according to research by two Kansas State University economists.

Sustainable future: New online course helps businesses manage environmental impact, meet federal regulations

Being green is more than a popular catchphrase today. For businesses, being green can attract customers and help meet federal regulations on their environmental impact.


Friday, Nov. 18, 2011

'Tis the season: Dance, art, music highlight December at K-State

Studying for finals isn't the only activity taking place at Kansas State University in December. The month also will be filled several special performances and exhibitions. 


Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011

A sporting opportunity: Clay Center man's collection brings recreation giant Brunswick corporation to Chapman Center for history digitization project

Question: What do the world's first snowboard, known as the "Snurfer," and Kansas State University have in common? Answer: Mack Scott, doctoral student in history, who works in the university's Chapman Center for Rural Studies.


Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011

Throckmorton Hall evacuated to investigate unusual, electrical odor

Throckmorton Hall was evacuated Wednesday afternoon so that authorities could investigate reports of an unusual, electrical odor in the building.

Hopping into action: Research aims to prevent obesity by reaching parents, young children through child care

A Kansas State University research group is jumping ahead to improve nutrition and physical activity among young children and prevent childhood obesity.

Push for safety: Thanksgiving traffic enforcement campaign targets impaired drivers, seat belt use on campus and across Kansas

The Kansas State University Police Department is joining in an effort the week of Nov. 21-27 to keep roadways, including those on campus, safer from impaired drivers.

Dancing in December: Dance program presents WinterDance 2011 Dec. 1-3

Sugarplums won't be the only thing dancing this December. Kansas State University dance program students will perform choreography in a variety of dance styles for WinterDance 2011.

Public safety team cleaning up small waste bottle explosion in Throckmorton Hall laboratory

Kansas State University's public safety team cleaned up after a small explosion of waste bottles in an agronomy laboratory early this morning. No one was in the laboratory at the time, and no one was injured. 


Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011

Grounded research: Prairie soil may provide answers to countering climate change

Explaining the purchase of a hundred pounds of dry ice to the authorities might be a bit awkward for some people; however, for Ari Jumpponen, associate professor of biology at Kansas State University, it's just another day as a scientist.


Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

An eye for research: Senior works with physician to study cures for macular degeneration

Michael Ellis has a vision for improving people's lives.

Responding to a need: Professor's book focuses on increasing social, political and physical components of natural disasters

The effects of environmental disasters far exceed their physical dimensions, but no book has been available to help students fully understand these social aftershocks -- until now. Bimal Paul, a professor of geography at Kansas State University, recently wrote a book that seeks to open the door to this knowledge.

Starting off strong: North Carolina State university professor to kick off new research lecture series

The first presentation in Kansas State University's new Research Lectureship Series will feature Nancy Monteiro-Riviere, a professor of investigative dermatology and toxicology at the Center for Chemical Toxicology Research and Pharmacokinetics in the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University.

Kansas State University Foundation boards earn new members, officers

The board of directors and board of trustees of the Kansas State University Foundation have new officers and members. They were elected at the annual meeting of the board of trustees Nov. 11 in Manhattan.


Friday, Nov. 11, 2011

Leaders of the pack: Kansas State University team wins international leadership competition

A team of four Kansas State University students won the International Leadership Association's Case Study Competition, a part of the association's annual conference recently in London.

Among the best: Graduate students win top prizes at national EPSCoR Conference

Two graduate students recently won the top prizes in a research poster contest that was part of the 22nd National Science Foundation EPSCoR Conference in Couer d'Alene, Idaho.

Access education advances the U.S.-Indonesia comprehensive partnership through collaboration with Kansas State University and other U.S. institutions

Two top administrators from Kansas State University's Division of Continuing Education are taking part in a visit to institutions of higher education in Indonesia as part of a comprehensive educational partnership between the U.S. and Indonesia.

Making the team: Students from Kansas City area, Hesston win College of Business Administration's Edward Jones sales competition

Posing as financial planners, Kansas State University students competed against one other in the Edward Jones Sales Competition.

Full circle: K-State alum returns to campus to discuss work in nuclear physics

A Kansas State University alumna will return to the university's department of physics to present her work and research for this year's Ernest Fox Nichols Distinguished Alumni Lecture.


Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011

Acrobatics and adventure: Cirque Mechanics theater company to perform Old West production in McCain

Cirque Mechanics theater company is riding into Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium with its performance of "Boom Town," an acrobatic tale of an Old West adventure.

Kansas State University Foundation tabs Shane Giese as new senior vice president for development

Shane Giese, Eugene, Ore., will be the new senior vice president for development at the Kansas State University Foundation. His appointment is effective Dec. 1.

Outstanding leadership, scholarship, research earn students place in Kappa Omicron Nu honorary

The Kansas State University chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu, a national honor society for human ecology students, has 61 new members.


Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011

Hawker Beechcraft, Max-Viz donation lets K-State avionics students learn latest technology

The donation of an infrared camera from Hawker Beechcraft Corporation and Max-Viz will provide students in Kansas State University Salina's avionics program the opportunity to train using the latest technology.

Media advisory: Professor's work, committee meeting help support military families as troops leave Iraq

The United States military's intense presence in Iraq is drawing to a close, but the war's influence on military families will be long lasting, says a Kansas State University professor.

Loading up on success: Advanced Manufacturing Institute helps Sterling company boost product performance

With help from Kansas State University's Advanced Manufacturing Institute, a Sterling company has been able to optimize its product designs, strengthening the quality of its product line.

Circle of knowledge: Graduate students selected to present research to legislators at annual summit

Graduate students involved with research on winter canola, tumor growth, plant material for unpaved roads and more will represent Kansas State University at the ninth annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit early next year.

Flower power: Plant sale offers more than 60 varieties of university-grown holiday poinsettias

Just in time for the holidays, poinsettia plants in peach, white, pink and speckled varieties will be offered to the public as a fundraiser for the Kansas State University Gardens between Nov. 18 and Dec. 7. Traditional red varieties also will be included.


Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011

Investigating imagination: Research shows we all experience fantasy differently, which determines how much we enjoy it

Whether you love the "Harry Potter" series or despise it, there may be a psychological explanation behind your opinion.

A time to honor: Army, Air Force ROTC cadets taking part in Veterans Day activities

Conducting a silent vigil and organizing a parade are just some of the ways cadets from Kansas State University's Army and Air Force ROTC units will honor veterans as part of Veterans Day activities, Friday, Nov. 11, in Manhattan.

A career of excellence: Public administration professor receives lifetime achievement award

Krishna Tummala was one of the first students to receive professional training at the Indian Institute of Public Administration. Founded in 1954 with support from the Ford Foundation, the institute has developed into one of the world's premier institutions for research and training in public administration.

Homes for the holidays: Tickets on sale for homes tour benefiting McCain Performance Series

Five beautiful homes will be featured during the Friends of McCain Holiday Home Tour in Manhattan on Sunday, Dec. 4.


Monday, Nov. 7, 2011

Black Friday or Cyber Monday: Consumers gain more options for holiday deals

Move over, Black Friday. With online and mobile shopping, consumers are enjoying more ways to shop for holiday deals than just heading to the malls the day after Thanksgiving.

Among the best: K-State a 'standout school' in personal financial planning

Kansas State University's personal financial planning program is being recognized as a true asset by a national financial planning publication.

A happy Thanksgiving: Tips for a safe, proper and healthy holiday

From the preparation to the feasting and everything in between, Kansas State University experts have the answers to keep you safe, healthy and minding your manners this Thanksgiving.

The choice of wildcats: Two students from greater Kansas City are university's new ambassadors

Two Kansas State University students have earned the honor of representing fellow students at events on campus and across the state.

Honoring excellence: Four students earn Phi Kappa Phi scholarships for outstanding academics, community service and more

Outstanding academics, community involvement and a commitment to their career paths is earning four Kansas State University students fall 2011 scholarships from the university's chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, a national honor society.

Going the distance for education: University joins National Distance Learning Week

One week each year, schools, businesses and organizations celebrate National Distance Learning Week to highlight the growth, accomplishments and importance of distance education. This year, Kansas State University is joining in the week, Nov. 7-11.


Friday, Nov. 4, 2011

Designed for excellence: College of Architecture, Planning and Design boasts three top-10 programs

To get a design education at the College of Architecture, Planning and Design at Kansas State University is to get one of the best in the country.

On the right track: Advanced Manufacturing Institute helps with new locomotive fueling system that's safer, faster

It's all aboard for a new high flow locomotive fueling system on the market courtesy of the Advanced Manufacturing Institute at Kansas State University and MPL Technology Inc., a Kenmore, Wash.-based company.

Graded expectations: Research shows diners, operators prefer letter grade system for restaurant inspections

Systems to rate local restaurants are widely available: letter grades A, B or C in Los Angeles and New York; the colors red, yellow or green in Toronto; smiley faces in Denmark. But which system do consumers and restaurant operators prefer?

Conserving our future: K-State researcher to present information on CRP decisions and changing agricultural landscape

The Conservation Reserve Program will be the topic of a presentation by a Kansas State University agricultural economics researcher for the department of geography colloquium series.

Media advisory: Interview time available with Miss America after K-State lecture

Teresa Scanlan, Miss America 2011, will discuss the importance of agriculture and food security to the nation in a presentation at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, in McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University. The lecture is free and open to the public, but donations of nonperishable food items for the Flint Hills Breadbasket are encouraged.


Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

The business of learning: Entrepreneurship students turn classroom learning into a real-world business

Like any new business owners, Samantha Kal and Josh Kirk have been busy. They know that every detail is up to them, from hiring a graphic designer to setting up their office.

A wildcat victory: Student organization designs, builds new pushup platform for Willie the Wildcat

A time-honored tradition at Kansas State University football games has received an upgrade thanks to a College of Engineering student organization.

Suspenseful debut: School law expert pens first novel, draws on expertise in sexual harassment prevention

Teacher-to-student sexual abuse. It's a chilling problem that always seems to be in the news, most recently with the conviction of an Ohio teacher for having sex with five of her students.

Beyond the classroom: Exhibition draws on talents of art faculty

The artistic talents of 23 Kansas State University department of art faculty and staff members will be featured in an upcoming exhibition at the university's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art.


Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011

Deepening mystery: Geologists find ponds not the cause of arsenic poisoning in India's groundwater

The source of arsenic in India's groundwater continues to elude scientists more than a decade after the toxin was discovered in the water supply of the Bengal delta in India. But a recent study with a Kansas State University geologist and graduate student, as well as Tulane University, has added a twist -- and furthered the mystery.

Getting in financial formation: Intersession course covers military personal finance issues

Managing personal finances is challenging for many people, especially members of the armed forces who face deployments all over the world.

Next on stage: Technology, human relationships count for drama in 'The Adding Machine'

"The Adding Machine," a satiric, fantastical look at the advance of technology and its effect on human relationships, adds up to the next production by Kansas State University's theater program. The play will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10-12 in McCain Auditorium.


Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2011

Raising their voices: Forensics team members create nonprofit organization dedicated to speech

Messages are powerful, and speech never dies. Such beliefs have driven a trio of Kansas State University students through their careers as forensics team members. Now they are translating that passion and their experiences into a new venture: Loudspeaker.

New career fair links students to jobs, internships in public service

The first Public Service Career Fair at Kansas State University will offer students of all majors the opportunity to connect with a wide range of employers. The career fair will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom.