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K-State Today

Sources: Ariel Anib, ariel957@k-state.edu;
Erin White, ekwhite@k-state.edu;
and Nidhi Bhandari, 785-532-6085, nidhim@k-state.edu
Hometown connection: Olathe and Overland Park
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-2535, bbohn@k-state.edu

Friday, Oct. 14, 2011

Next generation leaders: Volunteer service earns students stipends from nonprofit leadership alliance

MANHATTAN -- An interest in a career with a nonprofit organization and demonstrated leadership has earned two Kansas State University students selection in the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance's Next Generation Nonprofit Leaders Program, or NextGen.

As NextGen leaders, K-State's Ariel Anib, senior in pre-law, criminology and international/Latin American studies, Olathe, and Erin White, senior in political science, Overland Park, each received a $4,500 stipend from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance to serve a 300-hour internship with a nonprofit organization. The internship also helps them toward earning Nonprofit Leadership Alliance certification.

Both Anib and White are in the nonprofit focus of K-State's leadership studies minor.

The mission of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance, formerly known as American Humanics, is to prepare, educate and certify the next generation of nonprofit leaders. The NextGen program is underwritten by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and is a national competitive program for students enrolled in Nonprofit Leadership Alliance programs at more than 60 colleges and universities across the country.

Anib served a 10-week internship over the summer with Mission Adelante in Kansas City, Kan. She selected the nonprofit organization for its work with the Latino immigrant community.

"What I love most about my internship was the opportunity to be stretched in so many different ways," Anib said. "I learned a lot of curriculum for teaching English as a second language as well as the importance of relationship in a nonprofit. I know this internship helped me a lot because of the skills I was able to acquire.

Anib wants to teach English in Mexico for a year, and then wants to go to law school for international human rights, specifically to help end human trafficking.

At K-State, Anib is the president of the Nonprofit Leadership Student Alliance and the senior student adviser for Edgerley-Franklin Urban Leadership Scholars. She teaches Introduction to Leadership Concepts for the leadership studies program, and she is a Bible study leader through Ichthus campus ministry, which hosts weekly conversation tables.

Anib is the inaugural recipient of the Wildcat Peace Award. A 2008 graduate of Olathe East High School, she is the daughter of Raymond Moses-Anib and Rhonda Workcuff, Olathe.

White served half of her internship at Catholic Charities' Refugee and Migrant Services in June and July. She is serving the other half at Teach for America this semester.

"I wanted to work with an international population and also have the opportunity to create something new. Working with Catholic Charities allowed me to do both," White said. "I got to meet so many like-minded people in the Kansas City area, and witness what is being done to help the growing refugee community. I learned so much and feel much more aware of the situation now."

White's career plans include working in the nonprofit sector in some capacity.

"I'm planning on going to graduate school and studying international development/humanitarian aid," she said. "I wish to use this knowledge to serve international populations with a nonprofit organization. This internship helped me develop professional skills, such as knowledge of the nonprofit sector, time management and creative innovation, that will greatly assist me in the future."

White is the founding president of the Coalition, an international social justice student group. She's also active in the Nonprofit Student Leadership Alliance and works for K-State's new student services. A 2008 graduate of Shawnee Mission South High School, she is the daughter of Brian and Michelle White, Overland Park.