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K-State Today

Source: Don Stubbings, 785-532-6412, ksu135@k-state.edu

Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012

Burglary investigation results in arrest

MANHATTAN -- On Oct. 2, the Kansas State University Police Department, with assistance from the Riley County Police Department, executed search warrants at 618 Yuma and 1208 Ratone streets in Manhattan. The search was part of an ongoing investigation into burglaries of various campus offices.

Police arrested and detained Andre Levar Murphy, 33, a university custodial employee, on campus. Murphy was charged with felony theft and misdemeanor theft. Murphy was also arrested on several drug charges as a result of an additional search warrant served by the Riley County Police Department . Murphy remains confined at the Riley County Jail.

Several thousands of dollars worth of property believed to belong to Kansas State University was recovered, as were drugs, currency and a firearm. The investigation is ongoing, and additional charges are expected.

The investigation was a collaborative effort of the patrol and investigation divisions at the Kansas State University Police Department.

“I am very proud of our officers' effort and dedication to investigating these ongoing crimes,” said Ronnie Grice, Kansas State University police chief.

The charges against Murphy include:

* Two felony counts of theft
* One misdemeanor count of theft

He was held in lieu of $3,000 bond.

* Possession with intent to distribute marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school
* Possession of marijuana
* Possession of drug paraphernalia
* No drug tax stamp
* Unlawful acquisition of drug proceeds
* Criminal possession of a firearm

He was held in lieu of $17,000 bond.