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K-State Today

October 2013

Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013 

University earns special recognition from the Financial Management Association International
The Financial Management Association National Honor Society chapter at Kansas State University's College of Business Administration has earned the Financial Management Special Recognition for Membership Development Award for the 2012-2013 academic year from Financial Management Association International.

Collaboration brings 'Ready Player One' egg hunt to campus

The games, egg hunt and leaderboard from the world of Ernest Cline's novel "Ready Player One" recently came to life for the Kansas State University community, thanks to campuswide collaboration and a group of computing and information sciences students.

School of Music, Theatre, and Dance presents 'The Wedding Singer'
Kansas State University's School of Music, Theatre, and Dance will present the Broadway musical "The Wedding Singer," based on the movie of the same name, at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 7-9 and at 2:30 p.m. Nov.10 in McCain Auditorium.

Sweet success: Students earn degrees, honors over summer
Nearly 630 students completed degree requirements from Kansas State University this summer. The graduates hail from 61 Kansas counties, 41 states and 31 countries. Of the university's newest graduates 18 also earned graduation honors for their outstanding academic work.


Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013 

Burton Scholarship provides opportunities for 3 K-State Salina students
Three Kansas State University Salina students are recipients of $10,000 from the Connor Burton Aviation Foundation.The scholarships, which are split between their junior and senior years, help pay for flying time or books and tuition, enabling the students to earn their flight certificates more quickly.

University's Student-to-Student Mentoring program improves sales skills of mentors, mentees
The new Student-to-Student Sales Mentoring program in the College of Business Administration's National Strategic Selling Institute at Kansas State University gives students the chance to learn and develop the skills needed to be a strong candidate in the sales industry.

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013 

Veterinary medicine researcher's thyroid project sheds light on molecular processes related to cystic fibrosis
Research in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University is leading to a better understanding of the molecular interactions in the thyroid gland related to cystic fibrosis.

Projects in two landscape architecture/regional & community planning classes earn honors from planning association
Kansas State University's landscape architecture/regional & community planning department was honored recently with two awards from the Kansas chapter of the American Planning Association.

Monday, Oct. 28, 2013 

Seaton Hall expansion, renovation move forward with multimillion dollar gift from the Regnier family foundation
A $4 million lead gift from the Regnier family foundation is helping Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design with the momentum needed to embark on a major expansion and renovation of its current facility.The $75 million, two-phase project will demolish, renovate, expand and preserve portions of the east wing of Seaton Hall and Seaton Court.

Bach-founded St. Thomas Choir to perform in Manhattan
The St. Thomas Boys Choir of Leipzig, a tradition-rich choir dedicated to the legacy of J.S. Bach, will perform at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the First United Methodist Church, 612 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan. The event is part of Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series.

Finding success: APDesign recognizes five 2003 graduates
The College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, at Kansas State University is recognizing five alumni for their success 10 years after their graduation from the university.

Friday, Oct. 25, 2013 

Psychology professor says superstitions all about trying to control fate
Do black cats, bats and witches have you on the run not just at Halloween but year-round? Do you always avoid walking under ladders and stepping on sidewalk cracks?

Scary literature offers lots of tricks and plenty of treats, university literary experts say
Whether you're looking for a spine-tingling classic or a lighter take on the holiday, great Halloween stories can be found across many different types of literature, according to faculty members at Kansas State University's English department, who offer some suggestions for readers of all ages.

Major league baseball announcer, aerospace information officer, human resources expert receive alumni awards from College of Arts and Sciences
Three distinguished alumni of Kansas State University's College of Arts and Sciences received alumni awards from the college at an Oct. 24 ceremony.

Exhibit honoring Holocaust hero opens Friday at Kansas Statehouse
An exhibit dedicated to a hero of the Holocaust will move from Kansas State University's Hale Library to the Kansas Statehouse on Friday, Oct. 25, where it will be on display in the rotunda until Oct. 31.

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013 

Legislative tour stopping Oct. 29 at Kansas State University for 10 a.m. meeting
Kansas legislators touring the state's universities will visit Kansas State University on Tuesday, Oct. 29, as part of the Legislative Biennial Bus Tour. 29 professionals to lecture in the College of Business Administration

Purple Masque Theatre presents 'Rx,' a quirky comedy all about love
"Rx," a play by Kate Fodor, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 31 and Nov. 1-2 at Kansas State University's Purple Masque Theatre in East Stadium. Tickets can be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by calling 785-532-6428.

November brings music, theater, dance and art events to campus
A variety of music, theater, dance and art events will be offered on the Kansas State University campus in November.


Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 

Maes appointed to M-SARA steering committee to improve state regulations for distance education
Sue Maes, dean of continuing education at Kansas State University, has been selected to serve on the Midwestern State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, or M-SARA, steering committee.

29 professionals to lecture in the College of Business Administration
In more than 41 classes taking place Oct. 24-25 at Kansas State University, faculty members in the College of Business Administration will give their seats to industry professionals.


Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013 

Kansas State University receives support from Bayer CropScience to further education and wheat research
Using funds provided under the recently completed wheat germplasm and technology license agreement with Bayer CropScience in Research Triangle Park, N.C., the Kansas State University Foundation has made a contribution to the Department of Plant Pathology in the College of Agriculture to help establish an endowed chair in honor of renowned K-State professor Bikram Gill. 

Longtime Manhattan businessmen Howe and Sink receive inaugural Legend Award from College of Business Administration
Phil Howe, a 1954 Kansas State University alumnus and retired president and CEO of Kansas State Bank, Manhattan, and Roger Sink, a 1958 university alumnus and managing partner of Sink, Gordon & Associates LLP, also in Manhattan, will be honored Oct. 25 as the inaugural recipients of the College of Business Administration's Legend Award.

'Wonder Bread Years': McCain Performance Series show offers comedic tribute to days gone by
"The Wonder Bread Years" with Pat Hazell comes to Kansas State University at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union.

Career Closet accepting donations for spring kickoff
At Kansas State University's Career Closet, dressing for success is always in style.



Monday, Oct. 21, 2013 

Kansas State University Salina and Salina Area Technical College partner to offer bachelor's degrees
K-State Salina and Salina Area Technical College have three 2+2 agreements that allow students to complete a Kansas State University bachelor's degree while staying in the community or taking classes online. Both institutions were eager to work together to provide an option that would enhance students' education and help the community.

Developing scholar from Dodge City helps Panamanian children with dental care
Kansas State University student Eduardo Acosta, a member of the Developing Scholars Program, spent two weeks in Panama this summer providing dental care to children.

Workshop helps students learn how to impress future bosses with manners at dining table
Kansas State University's annual fall Dining Etiquette Workshop will be at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, in Derby Dining Center's Gold Room. The cost is $11, or $7 for students with a university meal plan. The deadline to register is 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, at career and employment services, 100 Holtz Hall.



Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 

Closing events for 150th celebration Thursday, Oct. 24
All good things must eventually come to an end, but the spirit of celebration and tradition will continue.

National Chemistry Week seeks to educate public on benefits of chemistry
Kansas State University's local section of the American Chemical Society is partnering with the university's chemistry department to host several events during National Chemistry Week, Oct. 20-26.

Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013 

Two professors named 2013-2014 Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty
Two of Kansas State University's graduate faculty members are being awarded the 2013-2014 Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award.

Workshops to boost sales performance, self-management offered at K-State Olathe
Experts in sales performance and self-management will lead two seminars in the Kansas City area as part of the Kansas State University College of Business Administration's Professional Education Seminars at K-State Olathe, 22201 W. Innovation Drive.

Next Kansas State University Gardens Luncheon Series features 'Christmas in the Garden'
Nationally acclaimed floral designer David Porterfield, owner of Porterfield's Flowers and Gifts in Topeka, will discuss "Christmas in the Garden" at the next Friends of the Kansas State University Gardens Luncheon Series.

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013 

Bring on the bands: Central States Marching Festival Oct. 19 at Bill Snyder Family Stadium
Take a bye, football. It's a day just for bands as Kansas State University hosts the 27th Central States Marching Festival on Saturday, Oct. 19, at Bill Snyder Family Stadium.

Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2013 

University master plan topic of fall Kansas State University Emeritus Group luncheon
The new Kansas State University campus master plan will be discussed at the Emeritus Group fall luncheon at noon Tuesday, Oct. 29, at the Holiday Inn at the Campus.

Parrish lecture to feature noted Islam, Middle East scholar Juan R. Cole
One of the nation's best known historians of Islam and Middle East history and politics will deliver the biennial Fred L. Parish Lecture and Colloquium in Religious History, sponsored by the history department at Kansas State University.

Architecture students earn honors from American Institute of Architects Kansas
Outstanding studio work and a design-build project at a Girl Scout camp near Topeka has earned several Kansas State University architecture students honors from the American Institute of Architects Kansas, or AIA Kansas.

Monday, Oct. 14, 2013 

Berneys make $1 million gift to support new home for College of Business Administration
Rand and Patti Berney, Southlake, Texas, have made a $1 million gift to support the new building for the College of Business Administration at Kansas State University.

Grammy winner Taj Mahal headlines World Blues Tour at McCain Auditorium
Get a taste of blues music from around the world when the World Blues Tour makes a stop at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24.

College of Veterinary Medicine selects 2013 class of early admission scholars
Twenty-one undergraduate students have been formally accepted into the 2013 class of the early admission scholars program for the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University.

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 

Nobel Laureate to discuss origins behind his invention of the polymerase chain reaction
Kary B. Mullis, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist, will offer the Kansas State University campus a first-person view of the origins of a monumental 20th century scientific discovery: the polymerase chain reaction, or PCR.

Media advisory: Groundbreaking for College of Engineering facility expansion set for Oct. 25
Media are invited to attend the Friday, Oct. 25, groundbreaking for the Kansas State University College of Engineering facility expansion.

Groundbreaking for new College of Business Administration building Oct. 25
Media are invited to attend the Friday, Oct. 25, groundbreaking for the new Kansas State University College of Business Administration building.

New College of Human Ecology research facility being named for Carl and Mary Ice
Mary and Carl Ice Hall, 1310 Research Park Drive in Manhattan, is the latest addition to the College of Human Ecology facilities at Kansas State University. It will be named and dedicated at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24.

A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications plans Oct. 24 events in conjunction with university's sesquicentennial
On Thursday, Oct. 24, the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications will host several events related to Kansas State University's sesquicentennial. The activities are part of the culmination of yearlong celebration and take place during Homecoming Week

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013 

Noted Borlaug biographer speaking at three university events Oct. 16
Noted scientist and biographer Noel Vietmeyer will be a featured speaker in three public presentations set for Oct. 16 at Kansas State University.

David Finkel to discuss newest book about the 'after war'
Journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner David Finkel will discuss his most recent book, "Thank You For Your Service," which has ties to the Manhattan area.

Urban planner, blogger Chuck Marohn speaking Oct. 14 for distinguished lecture series
The College of Architecture, Planning & Design at Kansas State University will host Charles "Chuck" Marohn at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14, in the K-State Student Union's Little Theater as a part of the Regional & Community Planning Distinguished Lecture series.

Architect selected for new residence hall and dining center at Kansas State University
An architect has been selected to oversee the design of Kansas State University's new residence hall and dining center.



Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013 

Three veterinary students earn honors from bovine association
At Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, good things come in threes.

Networking, career development offered at College of Business Administration's Cerner Days
Executives from Cerner Corporation will be at the Kansas State University's College of Business Administration to interact and recruit students during the college's Cerner Days.

Monday, Oct. 7, 2013 

College of Engineering will expand, construct new 107,000-square-foot facility
Kansas State University is engineering for the future by expanding its facilities.

Doctoral researcher debunks myths that play into soldiers' financial readiness
Marking the 12th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, Oct. 7 should be a day dedicated to honoring our soldiers and veterans. One way to do this is by ensuring they are financially secure, according to a 2013 Kansas State University personal financial planning doctoral graduate.

FAA selects K-State Salina to test certification standards for unmanned aircraft systems
The Federal Aviation Administration is turning to Kansas State University Salina to test certification standards for small unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS.

On display: Exhibit features work by APDesign students from their internships
The work of College of Architecture, Planning & Design students at Kansas State University who participated in internships during the 2012-2013 school year is now on display in the Chang Gallery in Seaton Hall's east wing.

Friday, Oct. 4, 2013 

Unmanned systems conference to highlight existing infrastructure, opportunities for economic growth, job creation in Kansas
A three-day conference in October is highlighting opportunities for the state of Kansas resulting from the emerging unmanned systems industry. According to a recent national economic report, Kansas could see nearly $3 billion channeled into its economy during the next decade with such an industry.

ONEOK makes commitment to the K-State Welcome Center
ONEOK has made a commitment of $250,000 over five years in support of K-State's new Welcome Center. A patio providing the threshold to the entrance of the K-State Welcome Center will be named the ONEOK Patio.

Art, lectures, special events: Beach Museum offers it all during October
Kansas State University's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art is offering plenty of activities for patrons of all ages to enjoy during the month of October. The following events, all free unless otherwise indicated, are sponsored by the Beach Museum. They include:

Dedication of a new university landmark, the Pi Kappa Phi Red Rose Garden, set for Oct. 12
The dedication of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Red Rose Garden, the first named campus landmark for a Kansas State University greek chapter, will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Kansas State University Gardens on Denison Avenue.

K-State Salina student body president encourages participation in student government
Strengthening the voice of the Student Governing Association at Kansas State University Salina and building a better bond between the administration and students are two of the top goals of Tyler Lewis, senior in airport management, Aurora, Colo., and student body president at K-State Salina.


Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013 

Wolfe joins university as director of conferences and noncredit programs
Jeff Wolfe has joined Kansas State University as director of conferences and noncredit programs for the Division of Continuing Education. Wolfe began the position at the start of fall semester.

Hispanic Heritage Month: University's Encuentro a motivational leadership conference
The seventh annual Midwest HALO Encuentro will be Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Kansas State University.


Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013 

Media advisory: Arrangements for Oct. 21 Landon Forum with seven past U.S. secretaries of agriculture
Seven past U.S. secretaries of agriculture will present in a Q-and-A format from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Oct. 21, at McCain Auditorium.

Big 12 Fellowships recognize outstanding faculty, encourage new collaboration
Six Kansas State University assistant professors have been named Big 12 Faculty Fellows for their scholarly activities in teaching, research and service.

University wins six regional continuing education awards
Kansas State University's continuing education programs and staff brought home six awards from the University Professional and Continuing Education Association central region.

Dave Lewis' Pink and Purple Polyester Party Oct. 18 to support university cancer research
Dave Lewis' third annual Pink and Purple Polyester Party to benefit Kansas State University's Johnson Cancer Research Center will be at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18, at the Houston Street Ballroom, 427 Houston St., Manhattan.

Grammy winner Esperanza Spalding appears with ACS at McCain Auditorium
The trio ACS will perform at Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013 

October brings a harvest of cultural events to university
October is a busy time on the Kansas State University campus with a variety of entertainment offerings available to the public.

Manhattan woman's gifts to university benefit history department, Beach Museum of Art

A Manhattan woman is making gifts to the history department and the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University through a combination of expendable funds to be used now and a bequest in her will to be realized at a later date.

K-State Olathe, College of Engineering offer science-based evening of Halloween fun, learning
Kansas State University's College of Engineering and Kansas State University Olathe are partnering to offer an evening of Halloween-themed activities for elementary students based on science, technology, engineering and math principles, or STEM.

Civic Luncheon Lecture at K-State Salina looks at demographics, future population trends in Kansas
Kansas State University Salina's Civic Luncheon Lecture for October will explore demographics and future population trends in Kansas, including issues related to immigration, age, and rural and urban population centers.