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K-State Today

University nominates four students for Rhodes, Marshall scholarships

Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014



MANHATTAN — Kansas State University is nominating four academically diverse students for the Rhodes and Marshall national scholarship competitions.

The university's nominees are Robert Breeden, senior in biology and pre-medicine, Overland Park; Ross Allen, senior in economics and philosophy, Soldier; Carly Dickter, senior in public relations, Wichita; and Fernando Roman-Garcia, senior in mathematics, Toa Alta, Puerto Rico.

Rhodes scholarships are awarded to 32 students each year and provide full funding for one or two years of study at Oxford University in England. Marshall scholarships are awarded to as many as 40 students each year and provide full funding for one or two years of study at most universities in the U.K. Nominees selected as competition finalists for either scholarship will interview in November.

Breeden is a member of the Kansas State University Student Foundation and Johnson County Ambassadors. He has served as co-chair of the K-State Proud campaign, director of scholarship for Mortar Board Senior Honor Society, president of the K-State men's soccer club, vice president of public relations for K-State's chapter of Delta Upsilon fraternity and secretary of WellCAT ambassadors. His honors, scholarships and awards include the Kansas State University Presidential Scholarship, Mortar Board Outstanding Junior Scholar, Division of Biology Most Promising Student Award and Johnson Cancer Center Research Award. He attended a Fulbright U.K. Summer Institute at King's College London in 2013. Breeden also works in the lab of Michael Herman, professor of biology, where he researches the interaction between roundworms and pathogenic bacteria. A 2011 graduate of Olathe East High School, he is the son of John and Theresa Breeden, Overland Park.

Allen is co-director of events and outreach for Blue Key Senior Honor Society, president of Acacia fraternity, vice president and student program coordinator of HandsOn Kansas State, and member of the Non-Profit Leadership Student Alliance, Student Alumni Board, Economics Club and Philosophy Club. He was the student affairs director for the Student Governing Association; president of Silver Key, the sophomore honorary; vice president of Chimes, the junior honorary; and class leader for the Staley School of Leadership Studies. Allen is a 2014 Harry S. Truman scholar. His additional honors, scholarships and awards include the Morse Scholarship, Putnam Scholarship, Neal Atkinson Jr. Leadership Award, philosophy department's Distinguished Scholar, economics department's Distinguished Scholar and Order of Omega's Up and Coming Leader Award. A 2011 graduate of Jackson Heights High School, Holton, Allen is the son of David and Ange Allen, Soldier.

Dickter is a class leader for the Staley School of Leadership Studies and ambassador and fundraising chair for the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications. She has received a Jaconette Tietze Scholarship and a Sarah Watson Memorial Scholarship. She has interned at The Museum of the Jewish People at Tel Aviv University in Israel, the Andy Warhol Museum and the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, both in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as well as apprenticed at several organic farms in Hawaii. A 2011 graduate of Valley Center High School, she is the daughter of David Dickter, San Diego, California, and Burt and Patricia Parry, Wichita.

Roman-Garcia is a Kansas State University cross country and track and field athlete, and a member of the McNair Scholar's Program, Pi Mu Epsilon math honor society and Educational Supportive Services. His honors, scholarships and awards include an Athletics Scholarship, Transfer Honor Scholarship, Alianza Scholarship, I-Center research fellow, College of Arts & Sciences undergraduate research award and math department Outstanding Senior Award. He has been involved in four different undergraduate research projects in the math department. A 2010 graduate of Colegio De La Salle High School in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, he is the son of Fernando L. Roman-Morales and Lucy Garcia-Cosme, Toa Alta, Puerto Rico.


Jim Hohenbary


Nationally competitive scholarships

News tip

Holton, Olathe,Overland Park, Soldier, Valley Center and Wichita, Kansas; and Toa Alta, Puerto Rico

Written by

Stephanie Jacques

At a glance

Kansas State University's nominees for the Rhodes and Marshall national scholarship competitions are Robert Breeden, senior in biology and premedicine, Overland Park; Ross Allen, senior in economics and philosophy, Soldier; Carly Dickter, senior in public relations, Wichita; and Fernando Roman-Garcia, senior in mathematics, Toa Alta,Puerto Rico