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K-State Today

Randall Stuewe 18th inductee of College of Business Administration's Business Leaders Hall of Fame

Friday, Oct. 31, 2014



MANHATTAN — Randall Stuewe, the chairman and CEO of Darling International Inc., has been honored with the Distinguished Business Leader Award from the Kansas State University College of Business Administration. He also becomes the 18th inductee of the college's Business Leaders Hall of Fame.

The Distinguished Business Leader of the Year award is given to individuals who have a proven record of career success and individual accomplishments, as well as a demonstrated interest in supporting the college, its students, faculty and staff.

"Never in my dreams did I envision the recognition K-State has bestowed upon me," said Stuewe in his acceptance speech. "I am truly humbled and honored. It's an elite group and one of the greatest moments of my career."

A 1984 graduate with a bachelor's degree in finance from Kansas State University, Stuewe has been a part of the College of Business Administration's Business Advisory Council since 2011.

"I have always lived by the credo, 'never forget who helped you get there,'" Stuewe said. "K-State has been an integral part of my success and to a degree, I feel obligated to return the favor. The College of Business Administration truly has a vision that I believe in and want to be part of."

Stuewe has served in his role at Darling International, headquartered in Irving, Texas, since February 2003. Darling International is America's leading provider of rendering, recycling and recovery solutions to the nation's food industry. The 127-year-old recycler turns animal and food waste into usable items like paint, ink and pet food, and is the largest publicly traded rendering operation in the U.S. In 2009, Darling International was listed by CNNMoney as the 13th fastest growing company in America.

From 1996 to 2002, Stuewe worked for ConAgra Foods Inc. as executive vice president. He also was president of Gilroy Foods. Before serving at ConAgra, he spent 12 years in management, sales and trading positions at Cargill Inc. In addition to his degree from Kansas State University, he has an MBA from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management.

"We are proud to have Randall Stuewe as our 2014 honoree," said Ali Malekzadeh, Edgerley family dean of the College of Business Administration. "His success serves as a great example to our students for how they can have a productive career, and his engagement with K-State and the college allows us to continue to improve our programs for the benefit of everyone. We are very grateful for Randy's generosity toward the college."


Distinguished Business Leaders Hall of Fame

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Irving, Texas


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Randall Stuewe

Randall Stuewe, chairman and CEO of Darling International Inc., was honored with the Kansas State College of Business Administration Distinguished Leader Award, becoming the 18th inductee of the college's Business Leaders Hall of Fame.

Written by

Brent Fritzemeier

At a glance

The College of Business Administration at Kansas State University has named Randall Stuewe, the chairman and CEO of Darling International Inc., as the recipient of its Distinguished Business Leader Award.