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K-State Today

Military family and struggles with war focus of 'American Tet' at Purple Masque Theatre Nov. 5-7

Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 

MANHATTAN — The drama "American Tet" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5-7 at Kansas State University's Purple Masque Theatre in West Stadium. The K-State Theatre second stage production is directed by Samantha Hindle, a master's student in drama therapy, Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Written by Lydia Stryk, "American Tet" takes place in spring 2004 on the first anniversary of the Iraq War and focuses on a military family exploring its multigenerational relationship to violence and love. A brutal account of the effect of war on soldiers and their families, this play questions how terror begins and why.

The show contains mature themes and content.

Tickets are $8 for adults; $7 for faculty/staff, military and seniors; and $5 for students and youth, plus tax and applicable fees. Tickets can be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or by phone at 785-532-6428.

The following students are in the cast or crew for "American Tet":

Samuel Neel, freshman in theatre, Lenexa, as Jim; Kelly Serna, senior in psychology, Manhattan, as Angela; Victoria Ptacek, senior in theatre, Russell, as Elaine; Kelli Jones, junior in theatre, Smith Center, as Amy; and Jacob Edelman-Dolan, freshman in theatre, Topeka, as Danny.

From out of country: Amir Pshenov, freshman in theatre, Kazakhstan, as the Waiter; and Dinh Phan, sophomore in business administration, Vietnam, as Nhu.


Fatemah Al-Qadfan


K-State Theatre

News tip

Lenexa, Manhattan, Russell, Smith Center and Topeka, Kansas; and Hyannis, Massachusetts

Written by

Darrah Tinkler

At a glance

The play "American Tet" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5-7 at Kansas State University's Purple Masque Theatre.