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K-State Today

Dorothy L. Thompson Lecture Series to host discussion on civil rights leadership

Monday, Sept. 21, 2015 

MANHATTAN — A civil rights advocate will discuss modern-day civil rights and share how the movement must differ from our historical understanding of civil rights as part of Kansas State University's fall 2015 Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series.

Mildred Edwards, Washburn University adjunct professor of psychology, will present "The Time is Now, The Answer is You: Civil Rights Leadership in this Generation" at 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28, in the K-State Alumni Center's Tadtman Boardroom.

Dorothy L. Thompson was active throughout Kansas State University from 1971 until her death in 1992, and served as the university's director of affirmative action and as associate university attorney. The university established the Dorothy L. Thompson Lecture Series in recognition of her contributions to the field of human rights on campuses in Kansas and around the nation.

Edwards' lecture will help individuals discover ways they can become involved and how they too can make a positive change where they are today.

In 2010, Edwards launched the State of African Americans in Kansas project for the Kansas African American Affairs Commission. During this time, she also served on the Kansas Board of Regents.

Before her service to the state of Kansas, Edwards served as president for two Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. chapters, the Junior League of Wichita, the Air Capital chapter of Jack and Jill of America and the Urban League of Wichita Guild. She also served on a national Health and Human Services mental health committee.

In 2013, the Council for Opportunity in Education named her a 2013 National Trio Achiever.

Edwards is a Kansas delegate to the Vision 2020 Equality project of Drexel University; Leadership Wichita and Kansas Leadership Center alumna; and a lifetime member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Kansas. Currently, she also serves as the Westar Energy manager for training and development.


Jennifer King


Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series



Mildred Edwards, Washburn University adjunct professor of psychology and Westar Energy manager for training and development. Download this photo.

Written by

Taylor Manges

At a glance

Mildred Edwards will speak as part of the 2015 Dorothy L. Thompson Lecture Series. The lecture will take place at 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 28, in the K-State Alumni Center's Tadtman Boardroom.