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K-State Today

K-State News
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Dr North
Manhattan, KS 66506


University Printing update

While some technology services are limited, University Printing can receive and produce printing requests. Read the following instructions for submitting a job.

Email files as an attachment to uprint@k-state.edu. Please include the following details in your email:

  • Ordering contact, including name, phone number and email address.
  • Billing information, including department name and address.
  • Delivery information, including contact name, department name and delivery address.
  • Details of job, including name of job and file; type of paper; color of paper; whether black and white or color; single-sided or double-sided; finishing, such as folded to a certain size, stapled, spiral-bound, tabbed, etc.; and any mailing/distribution instructions.

Place files on a thumb drive — a USB — and deliver to either University Printing locations: 26 Umberger Hall or the K-State Student Union Copy Center. It would be helpful to include a file with details of the job as listed above.

University Printing is unable to prepare estimates at this time because software is inaccessible from the fire. University Printing is working with university technology staff and outside vendors to resolve this situation.

University Printing also is unable to generate invoices from its current system. However, if you need an invoice because grant funding is ending, University Printing will work with you to provide the information necessary.

If you have questions about your project and how to get it printed, please contact University Printing at uprint@k-state.edu or 785-532-6308.