NRES Graduate Fellowships
The NRES Graduate Fellowship recognizes early career scholars with promising teaching and research potential and provides recipients with valuable experience mentoring interdisciplinary undergraduate research.

What is the NRES Graduate Fellowship?
The NRES Graduate Fellowship recognizes early career researchers with promising teaching and research potential and provides recipients with valuable experience mentoring interdisciplinary undergraduate research. Fellows receive an award of $1,500 to support their research and are eligible to apply for an additional NRES Travel Award of $500 during during the academic year in which the fellowship is awarded.
Doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers from any discipline conducting research in natural resource management, environmental sciences, human-environment interactions, and sustainability science are encouraged to apply. Preferred applicants will have already earned their PhD or been admitted to candidacy and be making excellent progress towards doctoral degree completion.
Fellowship recipients are eligible to apply a second time for both the fellowship and travel award. It is anticipated that multiple fellowships will be awarded for both fall and spring semesters.
Congratulations to our Spring 2025 Fellows!
- Roselle Barretto - Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
- Neda Mohamadzadeh - Department of Geography & Geospatial Sciences
- Huu Tuan Tran - Department of Civil Engineering
- P.A.D.B. Vinusha Wickramasinghe - Division of Biology