Fall 2025 Course List |
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POLSC 115 - U.S. Politics Section A: Dr. John Fliter MWF 10:30-11:20 AM (Kedzie 004) Section B: Dr. Brianne Heidbreder TU 11:30 AM-12:45 PM (Justin 109) Section C: Dr. Nathaniel Birkhead **Aug 25-Dec 19, 2025 | Manhattan HS students only** This course is part of the Law track! |
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POLSC 135 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Dr. Sabri Ciftci TuTh 9:30-10:45 AM (Eisenhower 218) This course is part of the Politics of the Global South track and counts towards the introductory course requirement of the Middle East Studies minor! |
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POLSC 145 - World Politics Section A: Dr. Andrew Long MWF 1:30-2:20 PM (King 004) Section B: Dr. Jeffrey Pickering TuTh 1:15-2:20 PM (Seaton 1062) **First-year students only** This course is part of the Global Politics and Security track! |
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POLSC 155 - Introduction to Political Thought Dr. John Warner MWF 11:30-12:20 PM (Calvin 212) |
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POLSC 321 - Kansas Politics & Government Dr. Susan Thomas TuTh 11:30-12:45 PM (Calvin 212) |
POLSC 343 - American Foreign Policy Dr. Michael Flynn MWF 12:30-1:20 PM (Calivn 116) This course is part of the Global Politics and Security and Politics of the Global South tracks. This is also an approved Primary Texts Certificate course, and with prior approval counts towards the core course requirement of the Middle East Studies minor! |
POLSC 377 - Introduction to Public Policy Dr. Zhiwei Zhang MWF 11:30AM-12:20 PM (Calvin 209) This course is part of the Society and Environment, and Public Service tracks! |
POLSC 400 - Political Inquiry & Analysis Dr. Michael Tyburski MWF 9:30-10:20 AM (Calvin 116) |
POLSC 401 - Top/Model United Nations Dr. John Fliter & Dr. Michael Tyburski W 3:30-4:20 PM (Calvin 202) |
POLSC 420 - Primary Texts Certificate Core Course Dr. Laurie Johnson **Team-taught course** TU 1:05-2:20 PM |
POLSC 499 - Honors Project Dr. Nathaniel Birkhead By Appointment |
POLSC 510 - Internship in Government, Public Administration, & Politics Dr. Nathaniel Birkhead By Appointment |
POLSC 549 - International Defense Strategies Dr. Hyun Ji Rim Online This course is part of the Global Politics and Security track! |
POLSC/GEOG 550 - Political Geography & Geopolitics Dr. Vera Smirnova TU 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM (Seaton 1063) |
POLSC 576 - Mass Communications & Political Campaigns Prof. Jamie Gideon Online |
POLSC 614 - Constitutional Law Dr. John Fliter MWF 1:30-2:20 PM (Calvin 212) This course is part of the Law track and counts towards the Primary Texts Certificate! |
POLSC 638 - Ethnic Conflict Dr. Emizet Kisangani TuTh11:30 AM-12:45 PM (Calvin 208) This course is part of the Global Politics and Security track and with prior approval counts towards the core course requirement of the Middle East Studies minor!
POLSC 647 - International Law Dr. Emizet Kisangani TuTh 2:30-3:45 PM (Calvin 102) This course is part of the Law track! |
POLSC 667 - American Political Thought Dr. John Warner MWF 1:30-2:20 PM (Calvin 218) This course is part of the Society and Environment track and is an approved Primary Texts Certificate course! |
POLSC 700 - Research Methods in Political Science Dr. Nathaniel Birkhead Section A: Th 5:30-8:20 PM (Calvin 313) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/Section A This course is part of the Public Service track for Accelerated Degree students! |
POLSC 702 - Public Administration and Society Dr. Ethan Bernick Section A: W 5:30-8:20 PM (Calvin 317) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/ Section A *Course runs Aug 27 - Oct 15* This course is part of the Public Service track for Accelerated Degree students! |
POLSC 708 - Public Personnel Administration Diana McElwain Section A: Tu 5:30-8:20 PM (Calvin 317) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/ Section A *Course runs Oct 21 - Dec 16* This course is part of the Public Service track for Accelerated Degree students! |
POLSC 711 - Administrative Ethics Dr. Laurie Johnson Online |
POLSC 735 - Public Organizational Theory Dr. Zhiwei Zhang Section A: W 5:30-8:20 PM (Calvin 317) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/ Section A *Course runs Oct 22 - Dec 17* This course is part of the Public Service track for Accelerated Degree students! |
POLSC 791 - Top/Teach Constitutional Principals of the American Founders Prof. Thomas Vontz Online |
POLSC 810 - Security Studies Methodology Dr. Michael Flynn Section A: W 3:30-5:20 PM (Calvin 317) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/ Section A |
POLSC 812 - Foundations of Security Studies Dr. Andrew Long Online |
POLSC 814 - Comparative Politics Dr. Sabri Ciftci Section A: Tu 3:30-5:20 PM (Calvin 317) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/ Section A |
POLSC 900 - Advanced Research Methods l Dr. Jeffrey Pickering Section A: W 3:30-5:20 PM (Calvin 313) Section ZA: Online - Synchronus w/ Section A |
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Department of Political Science
Kansas State University
802 Mid Campus Dr. South
101D Calvin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506