Budget Model Review
Building a Vision-Aligned Budget Model
As K-State continues to implement its vision as a next-gen land-grant university, we recognize the need to more strongly align our budget model with our next-gen aspirations. We initially began this work in fall 2023 but had to quickly pivot many of our priorities and resources in support of a larger initiative to strengthen and enhance the university's underlying IT infrastructure. With those enhancements in place and a strong technical foundation laid, the budget model review initiative was relaunched in January 2025.
About the Budget Model Review Process
The Budget Model Review Steering Committee has been charged to work with a team from Huron Consulting Group to evaluate all aspects of our current hybrid RCM budget model and related allocation and decision-making processes and to develop recommendations for an updated budget model design for President Linton and the Budget Model Executive Team.
The steering committee and external consultants will work to meet an aggressive timeline that will culminate in recommendations for budget process and model enhancements by the end of May 2025. There will be opportunities for stakeholder engagement and an implementation roadmap to assist in sharing the plan with the university community, with a shadow year planned for FY26 ahead of full model implementation for FY27.
Guiding Principles
The K-State budget model design should:
- Connect to the goals of the Next-Gen Strategic plan and incentivize units that perform well to the specific needs/metrics of the plan.
- Meet the continuing and growing operational needs of the units that make up the university.
- Support research, teaching/students, engagement and all land-grant mission driven aspects of the university.
- Encourage collaboration across K-State’s physical campuses that fosters unity over division.
- Be adaptive for units that “fall outside of the box” so that they continue to thrive.
- Be transparent as to budget allocation, growth, and declines for each unit.
- Be predictable so that unit leaders can plan.
Contact us
Have questions about the planning initiative? Email budget@k-state.edu.