Opportunities for core research facility support

The Office of the Vice President for Research announces several opportunities to enhance the use and operations of core facilities in alignment with the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan. Core facility directors may request support to upgrade the physical infrastructure and large equipment related to their operations. Additionally, faculty members can apply for grants to support their use of core facilities and offset vivarium costs. This funding comes from the Strategic Investment Fund and is supplemented by the recovery of OVPR funds, offset by the BRI Debt Relief support received from the state of Kansas.

Please make an appointment with the Office of Research Development to learn more about the program. Contact ord@k-state.edu or 785-532-6195.

Funding for renovations and equipment purchases

Annual call for core facilities to request funding for renovations and equipment purchases. This will require a 1:1 match and requests can range up to $200K for total project costs of up to 400K. Total funds available: $500K. Deadline for requests is April 1, 2025.

Submit a proposal

Mini grants to fund pilot projects

Ongoing call for researchers to request mini grants to fund pilot projects requiring core facility use up to $5,000 in total costs. If start-up funds are available, there is a 1:1 match requirement. Total funds available: $75K. Funding requests accepted on a rolling basis.

Submit a proposal

Mini grants for vivarium costs

Ongoing call for researchers to request mini grants to help pay vivarium costs that exceed that budgeted in existing grant funding. Limit of $50K per investigator; total funds available: $125K. If start-up funds are available, there is a 1:1 match requirement. Funding requests accepted on a rolling basis.

Submit a proposal