Manhattan Science Cafes
Past Science Cafe Speakers and Topics
President Richard Linton and Vice President for Reseach David Roscowsky, An open discussion on the vision for our university and the role of academia in the US.
Dr. David Rosowshy, KSU Vice President of Research, A vision for research at KSU.
Dean Claudia Petrescu, Dean of the Graduate School, A vision for graduate school and graduate student education at KSU.
Dr. Richard Todd, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Manipulating molds to awaken genes for bioactive natural product discovery.
Drs. Ryan Hansen and Prathap Parameswaran, Depts. of Chemical and Civil Engineering, respectively, Membrane filtration: Keeping the pores clear to get clean water!
Dr. Natalia Rojkovskaia, KSU Dept of Mathmatics, What is the difference between a journalist and a mathematician?
Dr. Gregory Finnigan, KSU Dept. Of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Hacking life with CRISPR gene drives
Dr. Stephanie Shames, KSU Division of Biology, Antibiotic resistance: Why did it happen and what can we do?
Dr. Sally Davis, KSU College of Veterinary Medicine, It’s the centenary of the Spanish flu!What does this mean to you?
Dr. Catherine Steele, KSU Dept. Of Psychological Sciences, Could what we eat affect our future food choices?
Dr. Aida Farough, KSU Dept. of Geology, Drilling into the abyss in search of life and resources
Dr. Jocelyn McDonald, KSU Division of Biology, The amazing green fluorescent protein: from jellyfish to scientific breakthroughs
Dr. David Poole, KSU Dept. of Kinesiology, Anatomy & Physiology, Oxygen transprot and your health: Humor, hubris and a little physiology
Dr. John Tomich, KSU Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, Communicating Science to Non-scientists
Dr. Christer Aakeroy, KSU Dept. of Chemistry, From molecular dating to functional materials
Dr. Michael Veeman, KSU Division of Biology, Genomes, body plans, birth defects (and sea squirts)
Dr. Tom Platt, KSU Division of Biology, Microbial Interactions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Dr. Sherry Fleming, KSU Division of Biology, Inflammation: Controlling the Drama Queen
Jackie Beucher, Astronomical Society of Kansas City, Darkness at Mid-dau, a Total Eclipse of the Sun
Craig Wolfe, Heartland Renewable Energy Society, A Case for Climate Action
Anna Zinovyeva, KSU Division of Biology, Shhh!: Gene Silencing in Progress
Emily McLaurin, KSU Dept. of Chemistry, A Lighthearted Look at Quantum Dots
Nicholas Wallace, KSU Division of Biology/Johnson Cancer Center, How does a virus cause a tumor?
Lee Skabelund, Dept. of Architecture & Regional & Community Planning, Green Roofs and Green Infrastructure in Manhattan
Samantha Sharpe, KSU Division of Biology, The Overlooked Tragedy of Tar Creek
Dr. John Harrington, Anthropogenic Climate Change
Lowell Bliss, Climate Activist, The Paris Climate Agreement: A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Baptist go to COP 21...
Dr. Keith Miller, KSU Department of Geology, An Overview of the Geologic History of the Flint Hills
Dr. Saugata Datta, KSU Department of Geology: Arsenic in Drinking Waters and Rice
Wesley Good and Mark Weiss, ThinkTech LLC: The Local Maker Movement
Dr. Jim Stack, Department of Plant Pathology: Feeding a Growing Population in a Shrinking World
Dave Carter, K-State Engineering Extension: Home and Building Energy Audits
Dr. James Van Etten, Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer, University of Nebraska: Algae as Candidates for Biofuel
Dr. Steve Dyer, KSU Department of Electrical Engineeringt: The Interplayground of Music, Science, and Engineering
Dr. Rollie Clem, KSU Division of Biology: Influenza: Why it’s still nothing to sneeze at
Jeff Gill, Owner, Tallgrass Brewing Company: The Science of Beer Making
Dr. Ben Champion, KSU Director of Sustainability: Sustainability Efforts at Kansas State University
Dr. Alina Akhunova, Director of the KSU Integrated Genomics Facility: The Revolution in DNA Sequencing Technology