Discover how the inaugural TAPS Banquet will celebrate groundbreaking agricultural achievements and unveil exciting plans for the 2025 competition in Garden City. Learn how TAPS is transforming sustainable farming practices and fostering collaboration among producers, researchers, and industry leaders. Learn more and RSVP today!

TAPS in the News and Media
"We hope that participants will be able to go ahead and bring these practices home to their own operation with the comfort of knowing how it works and whether or not it's right for them." - Daran Rudnick (2017)
Welcome to the Media and News hub of the TAPS Program! Here, we unfold the latest developments, breakthroughs, and impactful stories surrounding our innovative irrigation initiative. At the forefront of irrigation research, TAPS transforms the water management landscape and shapes the narrative of financial and environmentally sustainable agriculture in Kansas. Our media and news section isn't just a source of updates; it's a platform to explore the critical role TAPS plays in addressing the challenges faced by the grain-growing region of the Great Plains, particularly in western Kansas.
K-State Announces 2025 TAPS Competitions in Colby and Garden CityKansas State University's TAPS (Testing Agricultural Performance Solutions) program will expand in 2025 with competitions in Colby and Garden City, Kansas. These programs allow farmers to test innovative farming strategies and collaborate on sustainable solutions for managing water and nutrients. Learn more and join the 2025 TAPS competitions! |
TAPS Awards BanquetK-State Hosts Inaugural KSU-TAPS Banquet |
Meet the TAPS team: Raenette MartinThe TAPS program is about building networks to support sustainable, economically viable irrigation management. We are nothing without our people. Our TAPS farmer contestants, colleagues in academia, industry partners, and the TAPS community we are building drive our work forward. We'd like to introduce our K-State TAPS team to celebrate Smart Irrigation Month this July, themed "We Are Smart Irrigation". First up—meet Raenette Martin! |
Marketing Minute with Daniel O’BrienUSDA WASDE Report Sparks Positive Response in Grain MarketsColby, KAN. (May 10, 2024)—The May USDA World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, released at 11 a.m. Central time, has spurred a positive response in the grain markets, particularly in corn, soybeans, and wheat. We spoke with Daniel O’Brien, K-State agricultural economist, regarding the implications of the May 10 WASDE report on market trends and potential outcomes for farmers, investors, and participants in the TAPS program. |
2024 TAPS Social Media Team LaunchJoin us on @KSUTAPS on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram where the public can actively participate by casting votes to make management decisions for the TAPS Social Media Team—Farm #16. Together, we'll tackle the complexities of the TAPS competition, aiming for sustainable and profitable agricultural practices. |
K-State irrigation engineer bringing water competition to Kansas
K-State Director of Sustainable Irrigation, Daran Rudnick, is bringing an unconventional competition among High Plains farmers, known as TAPS (Testing Ag Performance Solutions). TAPS transcends the typical farm management contest format, evolving into a collaborative network where farmers from Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma unite to explore and implement diverse water management technologies, fostering innovation and sustainability in the face of pressing challenges. If you are interested in learning more about the upcoming TAPS competition and Rudnick's work, you can read more.
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of TAPS, join us in celebrating the successes, building our network of passionate irrigation-connected growers and industry partners, unraveling the research, and advocating for a resilient and thriving future in irrigation.
K-State TAPS Irrigation Resources
Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE)
Irrigation at K-State Research and Extension
Western Kansas Research-Extension Centers
Testing Ag Performance Solutions
Irrigation Innovation Consortium