April 17, 2015
Biological and agricultural engineering faculty members receive awards
Two K-State faculty members from the biological and agricultural engineering department were award recipients at the annual meeting of the Kansas Section of the American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers, or ASABE, April 10 in Manhattan.
Mark Casada, adjunct professor, was awarded the 2015 Kansas Section ASABE Member-of-the-Year Award; and Lisa Wilken, assistant professor, was awarded the 2015 Kansas Section ASABE Young Member-of-the-Year Award.
The purpose of these awards is to recognize Kansas Section members for their outstanding contributions to the advancement of the agricultural and biological engineering profession.
Fifty-two engineers from across Kansas attended the section meeting hosted by the biological and agriculture engineering department in Seaton Hall. In the morning, short courses were offered for continuing education credits required for licensed professional engineers, covering such topics as surface water supply in Kansas, soil and water research in the Little Arkansas River Watershed and laser-enhanced technologies.
An awards and recognition luncheon, followed by an address from Joe Harner, professor and department head of biological and agriculture engineering, completed activities of the meeting.