April 8, 2011
Deadline is today to reserve seats on bus to K-State Olathe
Today is the deadline for K-Staters to reserve their seats on the bus to K-State Olathe's grand opening, Tuesday, April 26.
A 50-plus passenger bus is scheduled to take interested faculty, staff and students to the event. The bus will leave Manhattan at 10 a.m. and leave Olathe for Manhattan between 2:30-3 p.m.
The Olathe campus will bring together Kansas State University's expertise in animal health and food safety/security, and act as a catalyst for developing and commercializing new technologies in these fields for the marketplace. The campus will offer graduate-level -- master’s and doctorates -- training for people interested in the biosciences and biotechnology, including animal health and food safety.
The grand opening includes a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1 p.m., followed by an open house until 7 p.m. Several K-State entities will have displays at the event and Willie the Wildcat will be on hand to help celebrate the official opening of K-State's third campus.
Reserve your seat by email to vpcm@k-state.edu. If the bus is not full, it will not be booked.