November 20, 2013
President shares opportunities for an expanded research corridor with city commissioners
Submitted by Communications and Marketing
At Tuesday night's Manhattan City Commission meeting, Kansas State University President Kirk Schulz shared a vision for the research corridor, located along the northeastern edge of campus.
Schulz highlighted some of the opportunities available for the city and university to create a vibrant, attractive and dense corporate and university research infrastructure along the North Manhattan and Kimball Avenue parameter.
The K-State Research Park is on the eastern edge of the larger research corridor. The park houses the university's Institute for Commercialization, Research Foundation, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Mary and Carl Ice Hall and multiple companies. The corridor also will be the future location for the Kansas Department of Agriculture and the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.
If a university-city partnership is formed, officials are anticipated to look at how to leverage the university's research strengths to attract more corporate research partners into the corridor as well as how to cohesively integrate those additions into campus. Creating a premier corporate-university research infrastructure will maximize the investment and collaboration potential of NBAF and advance K-State 2025.
The efforts are expected to position Manhattan for high-paying jobs, increased investment and sustained future growth.
More details will be announced in future editions of K-State Today.