January 29, 2014
Participants needed for study on custody arrangement decisions in divorced or separated families
Jaimee Hartenstein, a doctoral candidate in the College of Human Ecology, is seeking participants for her dissertation research. Her research project is "Determination of Custody Arrangements among Divorced or Separated Parents.”
The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of how custody arrangements are determined for children among divorced or separated parents and the involvement of adolescents in the custody decision making process.
Parents and their adolescents, 12-17-years old, who have experienced a divorce or separation and have a shared custody arrangement are being sought to share their experiences. Parents and adolescents will take part in a confidential interview (face-to-face, phone, or Skype) about the custody arrangement decision making process and each participant will receive $10 for participating.
Please contact Hartenstein at 785-564-1388 or jkeister@k-state.edu if you would like to participate. Additionally, you can contact Mindy Markham, assistant professor and Hartenstein’s co-major professor, for further information at 785-826-2929 or mmarkham@k-state.edu.