November 8, 2011
Highlights from Nov. 2 Classified Senate meeting
Here are the highlights from the Nov. 2 Classified Senate meeting. A draft of the meeting minutes is available on the website.
Assistant Vice President for Administration Report:
Gary Leitnaker reported on the open enrollment for health insurance and the inclement weather policy.
April Mason, Provost and Senior Vice President:
Mason discussed current happenings at Kansas State University and answered questions.
Classified Senate President’s Report:
Lesa Reves, Classified Senate president, reported on the Benefits Fair and CSSC meeting. She also reported on the North Carolina State University visit and the HLC retreat.
Lesa reported on recent articles in K-State Today and an update on KPERS discussions. A discussion was held on bicycle and pedestrian safety.
Standing Committees:
Campus Affairs: Maria Sweet reported on the Benefits Fair. A response to comments we received at the Benefits Fair will be included in the next ROAR.
Legislative Affairs: Dale Billam reported on the upcoming Day on the Hill as well as Cats on the Capital. Upcoming election procedures and those positions up for election were discussed.
Public Relations Committee: Lindsay Thompson reported the ROAR went out in October and the next issue will be sent out in February 2012. If you have anything you would like included, please contact Lindsay Thompson.
Campus Committee Reports:
- City/University Projects Committee: Will Hirsch reported for the committee on potential city/university projects. Potential ideas suggested included a GPS base station, user-friendly trash receptacles and more recycling bins.
- Faculty Senate Fringe Benefits Committee: Dale Billam will no longer be able to serve on this committee and we need a replacement.
- Recycling: Cherry Rosenberry reported that recycling at Game Day has increased. The dock at the new recycling center is being completed.
- Parking Operations: Terri Wyrick reported that the parking committee is looking into repair of some of the crosswalks.
- All-University Campaign: Terri Wyrick encouraged everyone to give to the All-University Campaign.
Old Business:
Position Paper will be finalized after a conference call with other CSSC members.
New Business:
- December Meeting: President Schulz will be at the December meeting
- AFT Union: Mike Seymour reported on the AFT union and discussion followed