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  4. »Payroll deduction, discounts available on K-State basketball season tickets

K-State Today

October 13, 2014

Payroll deduction, discounts available on K-State basketball season tickets

Submitted by Jake Wittkop


K-State men's basketball Cat Cushion season tickets are available to faculty and staff for $292 with a donation to the Ahearn Fund, a savings of $73, or 20 percent off the general public price.

Faculty and staff also can purchase women's basketball bench season tickets for just $79, a savings of $20, or 20 percent off the general public price. Women's basketball general admission season tickets are available for only $20 to football and men's basketball season ticket holders.

To sign up for payroll deduction, call the K-State ticket office at 1-800-221-CATS. If signed up by Oct. 14, split cost over four pay periods. If signed up by Oct. 28, split cost over three pay periods.

Order online without payroll deductions.