November 5, 2014
First Friday Data Workshop: Data storage, archiving with K-Rex, Beocat
Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

Are you looking to make your data available to others? Do you need long-term access to your data to satisfy funding agencies? Is your research generating more data than you can handle?
K-State Libraries present a First Friday Data Workshop: Data Storage and Archiving with K-Rex and Beocat from 1-2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7, in 301 Hale Library. Please sign up online to attend.
This in-depth talk will cover the data storage and archiving options available to researchers at K-State. Martin Courtois, K-REx coordinator at K-State Libraries, and Dan Andresen, associate professor in computing and information sciences, explain how K-REx and Beocat can lighten your data load and ease your mind.
For more information, contact Meagan Duever at or 785-532-7447.