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  4. »Call for applications: Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship, Travel Awards

K-State Today

January 27, 2015

Call for applications: Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship, Travel Awards

Submitted by Shannon Fox

The Graduate School is accepting applications for the Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship. The fellowship provides an award of $17,000 to a resident graduate student enrolled in a doctoral program at Kansas State University. In addition to the fellowship, up to three Sarachek Scientific Travel Awards of $1,000 each will be presented annually.

These awards are intended to recognize exceptional achievement in scholastics and research. Students must show evidence of effective communication of research results through publications in leading journals and presentations at national and international meetings. The fellowship is intended for students with an outstanding record of research and may not be awarded every year.

In order to be eligible, a student must have completed preliminary exams, been admitted to candidacy and their research must rely significantly on one or more contemporary molecular biological techniques. 

Students may nominate themselves or nominations may be submitted by K-State faculty. 

Recipients will be selected by an interdisciplinary committee of research faculty. Fellowship funds may be expended at the recipient's discretion for his or her dissertation, future research, travel, planning postdoctoral moves or other purposes. The fellowship is not intended to provide funds for current research, but is instead intended to assist with the recipient's transition to the next stage of his or her career beyond their doctoral degree. Travel award funds may only be used for travel as described in application.

Funds shall be awarded without restriction to race, gender, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability, or financial aid or other awards. Winners of the fellowship are not eligible to apply for the fellowship a second time or to apply for a travel award. Travel award winners may apply for the fellowship, but not for a second travel award.

Application materials should be submitted as one Word or PDF file to sarachek@k-state.edu by March 1. 

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