February 13, 2012
Reminder: Freshmen academic progress reports due Feb. 20
As a part of our emphasis on student retention and success, we want to make every effort to collect mid-term Academic Progress Reports on all currently enrolled freshmen. These reports will be collected via the iSIS System in a manner similar to that used for collecting final course grades.
Mid-term Academic Progress Report rosters will be available beginning at 8 a.m. today and will close at 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 20. You must enter your progress reports during this time period. There will be no paper request.
In order to submit your reports, log into the iSIS home page. In the iSIS links box click on Faculty Center. On your list of classes, those with freshmen enrolled will have a midterm grade icon. If no midterm grade icon shows for a course, no freshmen are enrolled. For those with a midterm grade icon, click on the icon and a list of freshmen enrolled in the course will appear. (NOTE: If you would like a more detailed explanation on how to enter Academic Progress Reports, log into the iSIS home page. On the right side of the screen, under “iSIS Links,” click on iSIS Help Pages. Click on “For Faculty/Advisor Support.” Scroll down the iSIS Faculty/Advisor Help to “Grading.” Click on “Entering Midterm Grades in iSIS.”)
For each freshman enrolled in the course, faculty are asked to indicate whether the student is doing SATISFACTORY (grades of A–C) or UNSATISFACTORY (grades of D–F) work in the class. For those doing unsatisfactory work, faculty are asked to indicate possible reasons. Most faculty will have hopefully completed at least one assessment and can base their response on that assessment. However, whether or not you have completed an assessment, an unsatisfactory may be assigned for lack of attendance, failure to turn in homework assignments, etc. For example, if you monitor class attendance and attendance is poor, please give that as a reason. When you have completed assigning grades, be sure to click on the Save button.
Students receiving one or more unsatisfactory reports will be contacted by their adviser and the Academic Assistance Center to discuss strategies for improving their performance.
Again, I want to stress the importance of completing these reports by the deadline.
Thank you in advance for your assistance as we work together to improve student success and retention.