February 13, 2012
Psychology faculty, students present at national conference
The Kansas State University department of psychology was well represented with poster presentations at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in San Diego in January.
Brenda McDaniel, assistant professor; Whitney Jeter, doctoral student; and Jaree Basgall, fall 2010 graduate, presented "Emotion regulation predicts psychological abuse perpetration and victimization in romantic relationships above and beyond childhood psychological abuse."
McDaniel; Jeter; Jaime Arreola, senior in psychology, political science and international studies; and Samantha Coup, senior, presented "Positive-negative emotion ratios and flow-non flow behavior ratios predict psychological well-being and relationship health in romantic couples."
McDaniel; Arreola; Jonathan Graves, former undergraduate student; Alex Elliott, spring 2010 graduate; and Tammy Sonnentag, doctoral student, presented "Age increases moral identity integration and differentially predicts the influence of positive and poor role models."
McDaniel; Jeter; and Taylor Montgomery, senior, presented "Body image, romantic attachment, and infidelity as predictors of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral jealousy in romantic relationships."
McDaniel; Jeter, Arreola, and Stacy Schuster, fall 2011 graduate, presented "Chronic trauma and relationship closeness impact romantic couple relationship flow during conversation."
Laura Brannon, associate professor, and Stephen Nettelhorst, doctoral student, presented "The effect of advertisement choice on attention."
Brannon and Megan Miller, doctoral student, presented "Self-monitoring and Health Behavior Variability."