January 13, 2016
Supervising Students on the Job offered Jan. 26
Submitted by Human Capital Services, Learning and Development
Supervising Students on the Job, WTD005, will be presented by Shanna Legleiter, director of learning and development, from 9-10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26, in Room 227 of the K-State Student Union.
Student employees provide a significant portion of the workforce that supports and maintains this campus community. To work effectively with this important group, a supervisor should be aware of students' work limitations, key university and federal policies, and helpful leadership techniques. Even experienced supervisors of regular staff will benefit from the ideas offered in this training session.
To register for this session, you can either sign up through HRIS self-service or send an email to learning-develop-hr@k-state.edu. When sending an email, please include your name, employee ID and the course title.