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  4. »K-State KNEA-SP hosts Pizza with Professionals

K-State Today

February 9, 2016

K-State KNEA-SP hosts Pizza with Professionals

Submitted by Amanda Braun

K-State KNEA-SP is hosting Pizza with Professionals at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16, in 217 and 225 Bluemont Hall. Come eat some free pizza while you learn from the wisdom of local teachers and administrators who are more than happy to answer your questions about the teaching profession. Both secondary and elementary educators will be represented with many different content areas. You also will earn one professional development hour for the College of Education.

If you have any donations of clothing or school supplies for the FIT Closet, please bring them to the meeting.

Please email ajbraun@k-state.edu with any questions.

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From the provost
Legislative update
News and research
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations