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  4. »Research participants needed for NASA research

K-State Today

October 4, 2016

Research participants needed for NASA research

Submitted by Shelbi Sutterfield


The kinesiology department is currently recruiting men and women participants ages 25-55 years of all fitness levels to participate in a NASA research project being conducted on the K-State Manhattan campus.

Participants will be asked to exercise on a cycle ergometer, a rowing ergometer, a treadmill and a simulated Martian surface.

This research will help the kinesiology department determine the fitness level that astronauts will need to maintain during long-duration spaceflight and eventually missions to Mars.

For more information, please contact Shelbi Sutterfield at shelbis@k-state.edu, Andrew Alexander at andrewa06@k-state.edu, or Carl Ade at cade@k-state.edu

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