April 11, 2012
Statement of Substantial Interest deadline coming
Submitted by Melissa Linenberger
DATE: April 11, 2012
TO: Vice Presidents, Deans and Department Heads
FROM: April C. Mason, Provost and Senior Vice President
Susana L. Valdovinos, Director of Academic Personnel
Re: 2012 Statements of Substantial Interest (SSI’s)
The Governmental Ethics Commission has mailed notices to file the 2012 Statements of Substantial Interest to K-State employees who are required to file.
The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission mailed these notices to the home addresses of all employees who must file a Statement of Substanital Interest. The deadline to file is April 30.
Please remember the Statement of Substantial Interest is different from the Conflict of Interest and Time Commitment form that is filed online internally later in the spring. Both reports are due every year and both reports are required.
The Statement of Substantial is required by state statute and is filed directly with the state upon appointment and annually in April. It may be conveniently accessed and filled out (or updated) at: http://www.kssos.org/elections/ssi_online.asp
When employees receive their contracts for next year, they will have to file their required Conflict of Interest and Time Commitment form. To avoid confusion, please encourage all employees who received the Statement of Substantial Interest form in the mail at home to file electronically before the April 30 deadline.
Any questions about the Statement of Substantial Interest should be addressed to Kelley Cochran of the Governmental Ethics Commission, auditor1@ethics.ks.gov or 785-296-4219.
Thank you.