April 11, 2012
Highlights from April 4 Classified Senate meeting
Here are the highlights from the April 4 Classified Senate meeting. A draft of the meeting minutes is available on the website.
President Kirk Schulz attended the meeting and updated the Classified Senate and answered questions.
Assistant Vice President for Administration report:
Gary Leitnaker reported that the moratorium was not signed by the governor limiting award bonuses to $1,000. He encouraged employees to attend the Parking Council Open Forum on Thursday, April 19, at 3:30 p.m.
Standing Committees:
- Public Relations: Lindsay Thompson reported on the next issue of the ROAR which will be coming out in May.
- Recognition Ceremony: Annette Hernandez reported that things are being finalized for the Recognition Ceremony which will be April 25 in the Ballroom of the Union.
- Legislative Affairs: Dale Billam reported on the results of the elections and officer elections were held.
Campus Committee reports:
- Faculty Senate Fringe Benefits Committee: Pam Warren reported that the request for tuition assistance was sent back to committee.
- Recycling Committee: Cherry Rosenberry reported on Recyclmania and project SEARCH.
- Parking Operations Committee: Terri Wyrick reported on the upcoming forum which will be Thursday, April 19, from 3:30–5 p.m. in the Big 12 Room of the Student Union.
- Safety and Maintenance: Becki Bohnenblust reported on the committee. If you have any safety issues, please contact Becki or Lesa Reves.
- Dean of College of Education Search: Susan Erichsen reported that they had selected Debbie Mercer for the Dean of the College of Education.
- Director of Corporate Engagement Search: Lesa Reves reported that the candidates have been on campus for interviews.
- Dean of K-State Salina Search: Annette Hernandez reported that they are working on a schedule to bring candidates to campus for interviews.
- Master Plan Task Force – Dale Billam reported that Ayers Saint Gross has been selected for the project. For more information the website is www.k-state.edu/masterplan/
State Sen. Roger Reitz, state Rep. Tom Phillips and Sue Peterson joined the meeting and updated us on some of the discussions in the Legislature.