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  4. »Second Paraguayan Social of semester is today

K-State Today

March 30, 2017

Second Paraguayan Social of semester is today

Submitted by Dallas Hug de Belmont and Paula Mendez

The second Paraguayan Social of the semester is from 6-8 p.m. March 30 in the Flint Hills Room of the K-State Student Union.

Don't miss this opportunity to make new friends, practice Spanish in a casual setting and learn about Paraguayan culture. The theme for this social is Paraguayan mythology. 

Enjoy free food and drinks, and receive an official Paraguayan Student Association T-shirt if you ordered one before spring break.

No need to be proficient in Spanish; the point is for all to meet and chat, away from the pressure of a classroom, just like you would with friends.

The Paraguayan Social is hosted by K-State's Paraguayan Student Association to promote cultural exchange within K-State's campus and the Manhattan community.

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