March 9, 2011
Campus buildings getting new and upgraded roofing
The K-State facilities & planning offices are upgrading and reroofing the following buildings between March and July 2011: Beach Art Museum, the Ahearn gymnasium and the north flat roof area of the natatorium, Call Hall and all high roof sections of Waters Hall.
The project superintendents and work crews have been admonished to do everything in their power to minimize potential disruptions to the facilities and to be courteous and respectful of students, faculty and staff throughout this process. The facilities and planning offices apologize in advance for any inconvenience or intrusions this may cause.
It will create some less-than-desirable conditions including work crews on the property, noise on the roof as all old roofing material is removed to make way for the new product, dumpsters filled with roofing debris, general dust potential, construction vehicles (generally light trucks) and possibly asphalt smell in some areas for portions of the project.
If you have concerns, please feel free to contact David McMullen at any time during this work at 785-532-1724 or Please realize that some construction activities -- especially the removal of the roofing material -- can be noisy and do generate debris. If any leaking is experienced, please notify McMullen immediately.