May 17, 2018
Kansas Board of Regents May 16 meeting university updates
Submitted by Communications and Marketing
The monthly Kansas Board of Regents meeting on May 16 included the following items related to Kansas State University.
Introduction and reports
President Richard Myers presented a summary of discussions of the Council of Presidents.
In his final report as chair of the Council of Faculty Senate Presidents, Brian Lindshield, associate professor of food, nutrition dietetics and health, shared that the council discussed consensual relationship policies with each president and will go back to review and revise policies by December. They also reviewed credit for prior learning one-year after it was instituted and approved guidelines that the council's members and chair position will rotate on June 1 rather than July 1 like most board positions.
Jack Ayres gave his last report as chair of the board's Students' Advisory Committee. He discussed the transition of the student body presidents on the committee. He also provided closing comments regarding this year's initiatives such as the amicus brief on higher education funding, statewide recruitment recommendations and the creation of the Council of Chief Diversity Officers. Ayres reported that next year's committee will also evaluate membership of the committee to guarantee statewide representation.
Lindshield and Ayres were presented with certificates of appreciation for their service by Kansas Board of Regents President Blake Flanders and Board Chair Dave Murfin.
Fiscal affairs
The Regents received program review reports for the 2016-2017 academic year. K-State reviewed 18 programs from the College of Agriculture and College of Veterinary Medicine. All programs were recommended to continue.
The Regents received the annual system enrollment report. The full report is available on the Regents' website.
Kansas State University President Richard Myers and Student Government President Jordan Kiehl presented the university's fee and tuition proposal for fiscal year 2019. This was the first reading of tuition proposals and the Regents will take final action at the June meeting.
The Regents approved Johnson County Education Research Triangle Authority fiscal year 2019 budgets, which supports three projects at the University of Kansas, University of Kansas Medical Center and K-State.
The Regents received the first reading of fiscal year 2020 capital improvement requests and five-year plans. These projects include new buildings, remodeling or alterations, annual maintenance and utility projects for which costs exceed $1 million. View K-State's projects.
In other matters, the board elected Regent Dennis Mullin as chair and Regent Shane Bangerter as vice chair for fiscal year 2019.