August 7, 2012
GTA training event Aug. 16
The Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning invites all graduate teaching assistants with teaching responsibilities to an event from 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 16 in the Hemisphere Room of Hale Library.
Please encourage your GTAs to attend. Registration is available online. You can also go to and click on the box on the right hand side labeled "2012 GTA Orientation." The schedule is available on the same page.
We need to know who is coming so they will have a notebook, name tag and plenty of coffee and donuts.
Three professors will discuss what to do on the first day of class: Sanjay Rebello, associate professor of physics; David Fallin, instructor of marketing; and Kevin Sauer assistant professor of hospitality management and dietetics. Horticulture faculty Kimberly Williams, professor, and Cathie Lavis, associate professor, will be part of the morning as well.
Breakout sessions according to disciplines with faculty members and experienced GTAs leading the discussions are scheduled for mid-morning. Shannon Washburn, associate professor of communication and agriculture education; Phil Payne, assistant professor of music education; and Manpreet Rai of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning will join in these small group discussions.
The new online GTA handbook will be unveiled, and the new project for GTA professional development will be explained by Rebello, the 2012-2013 Coffman chair for university distinguished teaching scholars.
The event is designed to help our GTAs be successful as they work with students. Please highly encourage your departmental GTAs to attend.
The orientation is in the union on Aug. 15. This is an additional opportunity for GTAs on the morning of Aug. 16.
If you have any questions, please contact Jana Fallin at 785-532-7828 or