August 7, 2012
Highlights from summer Classified Senate meetings
The June 6 Classified Senate meeting featured the installation of new officers and new members for the upcoming Senate year. Dale Billam is the president of Classified Senate for 2012-2013, and Mike Ashcraft, Michele Edwards, Kari Lindeen and John Wolf are the new members.
Gary Leitnaker reported that there would be no parking increases for faculty/staff, due in part to the efforts of Classified Senate members to gather signatures on petitions opposing the proposed increases.
The 2013 Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony will be April 24 with Provost April Mason as the guest speaker.
At the July 11 meeting President Billam reported on a Classified and Support Staff Council meeting at K-State on June 11. Representatives from the universities attending put together a preliminary draft position paper to present to legislators and other state officials.
At the Aug. 1 meeting everyone was encouraged to vote in the primary on Aug. 7 and to encourage all classified employees to vote.
Leitnaker reported that the state still has not decided who will receive market pay adjustments this fiscal year and he does not expect decisions to be made until September. New points for health insurance premium reductions begin Aug. 1. Thirty points are needed this year, and 40 points will be needed the following year to receive the $480 reduction.
The Campus Affairs Committee has worked all summer on plans to revamp the Classified Senate website, and is making preparations for the booth at the Benefits Fair on Oct. 4. The Public Relations Committee is preparing the August issue of the ROAR.
Classified Senate is planning to hold an open house to be during a regular senate meeting. The date for the open house has yet to be determined.
Classified Senate plans to open a social media account to be maintained by the Public Relations Committee.