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  4. »Take on your librarians at an Arrow Coffee Trivia Night benefiting Hale Library

K-State Today

October 17, 2018

Take on your librarians at an Arrow Coffee Trivia Night benefiting Hale Library

Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

Willie in front of Hale Library

You work and study on a university campus. You know stuff. But can you take on a team of librarians?

Join K-State Libraries Thursday, Oct. 18, at Arrow Coffee for a night of trivia. Gather up your team — as many as six members — and meet us at 1800 Claflin Road. Doors open at 7 p.m.; trivia starts at 7:30 p.m. Get there early, as tables fill up fast.

The cover charge is $5 per person, and proceeds go to the Hale Library recovery fund. In addition, librarians will have Hale T-shirts available for a $20 minimum donation.

But — if you can take down the librarians, all of your team members will receive a T-shirt for free. (Plus bragging rights, of course.)  


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