October 22, 2018
Highlights from the Oct. 9 Faculty Senate meeting
Guest: Charles Taber, provost and executive vice president, discussed and answered questions related to budget modernization.
Standing committee and Student Senate reports:
- Academic Affairs: Revisions to the University Handbook, Section F110, related to scholastic honors, were approved. Discussion continues related to K-State 8 tag review. The approval, routing and notification procedures are being reviewed this year.
- Faculty Affairs: The committee is working with the vice president for research on changes to Section G of the University Handbook. They are getting information on DSO/ISO student groups related to the organizational changes that occurred last year. They are working on the possibility of extending the dependent tuition assistance program with assistance from their Faculty Salaries and Fringe Benefits sub-committee.
- Professional Staff Affairs: They continue to work with Human Capital Services on Total Rewards. Bryan Samuel will be at their next meeting to discuss Climate Survey planning.
- Student Senate: The Tuition and Fees Strategies committee will begin their work soon. A video related to Hale Library was shared with senators.
- Technology, FSCOT: It is cyber security awareness month; all are encouraged to take the training. ERP systems are being reviewed. Listening sessions are taking place this month.
- University Planning, FSCOUP: Will be continuing to review handbook language related to CCOPs. They continue to have discussion and input on budget modernization. They also will be working on future city/university fund ideas.
- President Spencer Wood relayed items from the September KBOR meeting.
Open discussion period
- None.
Spencer Wood
Faculty Senate President
Associate Professor
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Wok
Kansas State University
213 Waters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506