August 31, 2012
Umbehr biography: Learn about different approaches to a medical practice
A facilitated question-and-answer session with Dr. Josh Umbehr will be from 12:30-1:20 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7, in 109 Justin Hall.
Umbehr is a 2003 graduate in human nutrition and premedicine and recipient of the 2012 College of Human Ecology Young Professional Award. He received his medical degree from the University of Kansas Medical Center and after his residency started a concierge medicine practice, AtlasMD, in Wichita.
The American Academy of Private Physicians describes this type of medicine as “physicians who provide 'concierge medicine,' fee-for-service and other forms of private health care delivery characterized by a direct, financial relationship between private physicians and their patients. This movement will forever change American health care by restoring the doctor-patient relationship of times past – private doctors unencumbered by insurance company policies, provider-network constraints and the misaligned incentives that have infected our health care system.”
Umbehr also uses social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, in his practice. This session will allow attendees to learn about AtlasMD’s different approach to a medical practice. Attendees will have opportunities to ask questions during the session.