August 16, 2019
Lafene has limited tuberculin during nationwide shortage
Lafene Health Center has a limited supply of tuberculin, the solution used for routine tuberculosis skin testing. Since there is a nationwide shortage of tuberculin, Lafene will screen and test according to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment recommendation.
The KDHE has recommended that tuberculin skin testing only be completed for individuals in a high-risk category. The duration of the shortage is unknown but is estimated to be three to 10 months.
Those who are not in a high-risk category — e.g. college students who are entering teaching majors — are to be screened by a healthcare provider for tuberculosis using the TB Symptom Screening Questionnaire and have testing delayed until the shortage is over — unless there is an indication for the need of further evaluation based on the questionnaire.
Please contact Lafene Health Center at 785-532-6544 and ask to speak to a nurse if you have any questions regarding this.