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K-State Today

May 20, 2011

K-State research team and colleagues published in high-impact online science journal

Submitted by David Margolies

A team of K-State researchers and colleagues have been published by PLoS One, an online science journal with an impact factor of 4.35. The article is titled "Comparative Genomic Analysis of Chitinase and Chitinase-Like Genes in the African Malaria Mosquito." The article can be read here.

The researchers include: Yasuyuki Arakane, former research assistant professor of biochemistry; Karl Kramer, emeritus adjunct professor of biochemistry; Subbarat Muthukrishnan, distinguished professor of biochemistry; Jianzhen Zhang, former visiting scientist of entomology; Xin Zhang, research associate in biology; and Kun Yan Zhu, professor of entomology.  

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